The World Changed

Lucas is in a mountain limitless and without summit, he lost track of the time on this rough terrain until he see a obsidian like thing of the size of skycrapers,but this thing like obsidian moved as if out of a nightmare, and it turned to be a finger, of a colossal obsidian skeleton, the eyes are able to see only a small portion of the picture but the red flames in the eye socket of the skeleton is clearly visible even being hundreds of thousands miles away,and in these flames strangely is there fear.

The skeleton attacked with his skycraper like finger and there's nothing Lucas can do to survive, in desperation all he can do is throw a punch and because of the fear he even closed the eyes and this punch don't have any technique,nor power,like the punch of a child,but when this punch is thrown out the flames in the skeleton eye socket flickered and he took back his finger and tried to escape but the child punch with only the intention of survival annihilated the skeleton and the endless mountain without summit,even the world itself showed signs of fragmentation.

When Lucas opened the eyes he saw the ceiling of his house and his clothes is wet with sweat. 'What happened? This a dream? Does it have a meaning?' Lucas thought about what happened but no matter which direction he looks it looks like a nightmare.

"It's already gone, so whatever, I have to go to school anyway" Lucas looked at the clock and it's already more than 5 in the morning, so he decided take a shower and slowly go to school.

In front of the school gate a group of boys are chatting with enthusiasm mainly discussing about the boy in the middle. "Senior, you are so cool,show to us again please."

The boy in the middle smiled proud and extended his hands and blue flames started to appear in the palm of the boy.

The look of the others boys is complicated and envious.

"We all acquired powers but senior Ryu is on another level." said one of the classmates in admiration.

"Yes, my power is flame too but it's much smaller and the color of the flames is common red." said another one of the classmates distressed.

A boy with more than 6 foot sighed and replied. "You have elemental power at least, my power is simply force enhancement."

Senior Ryu,whose name is Ryu Muramasa is happy seeing his juniors flattering him like this,but he is also a little worried about the army put him in a dangerous region by his power being above average.His father have relatively high position in the army so he knows what happened with some of the elite of the army and big families when they found animals in the wild,the ordinary people still don't know because dogs and cats and some others animals evolved but didn't change shapes or personality and this incident occurred very recently.

'All I could do is pray that high school students don't go straight to the battlefield, but the situation is urgent so certainly we'll receive milirary training and maybe we'll go to battlefields to experience.' Ryu is with a big head thinking about all of this, looking at cute juniors he sighed 'I hope the situation is not so bad'

Lucas arrived in the gate of the school and see a young man with blue flames in his hands demonstrating it to others young men and his face got weird. 'Yesterday Bai spoke of what is his power and today I see a guy with white flame in his hand, did they combined to deceive me?'

Deep down Lucas noticed something wrong but decided not to think about this.

'What weird glance is that?' Ryu sensed Lucas weird glance and got confused,suddenly Ryu have a weird thought 'Is his power stronger than mine so he disdained me showing off? If so it's good know who he is'

"Hey Li, do you know who is this guy who entered the school?" Ryu asked to the big guy who say his power is force enhancement

Li got confused by the sudden question and looked around and saw Lucas's back entering the school "Oh, he is from the classroom next to mine, he's just tall and he's Bai's friend, otherwise it's ordinary."

Looking at Lucas back Ryu thought 'Maybe the extraordinary will come from those ordinarily people'

Lucas just went to the classroom and sat in his place and thought about the white glow and his dream.While being lost in thoughts the class started and instead of the normal teacher, a mature elegant woman entered the room.

When the woman entered even the students who wanted to show off their powers were open-mouthed,the woman smiled and even the girls in the class turned red.

"Hehe,the students nowadays are so cute." said the woman with a smile.

Seeing everyone red faced the woman felt satisfied and continued talking "I don't have much to say and there things more important now so every student in every grade will go to field to hear the principal."

No one think it's strange, after all the incident is worldwide and in the internet has several conspiracy theories or that the powers will bring chaos to society, so everyone is a little nervous.

The classes arrived one after another and every teacher were replaced, only the principal and the vice principal remained the same but they gave respects for every replaced teacher,probably they are of military or governmental origin.

The principal saw that every class arrived so he started speaking "I know you all are anxious about the future but don't worry, the governments around the world started to seek the solution,so don't be afraid,with the technology and people who protect their people we won't fall in misery, I believe this incident will unity the humanity and no matter the enemy we will win, so don't worry about the world because there tall people to hold it, you all only have to strive to become one of these people and even if you can't be one of those people then support from bellow, if you strive for it you will be able to support humanity in some way!"

The principal surprisingly don't do a long discurse but a short speak that heated the blood of young man and woman, principally those young man, they obtained powers recently and with such speech they have the desire to cut whatever enemie of the humanity,if Bhuda blocked cut the Bhuda,if God blocked cut the God too, if not for the prestige of the principal and the scary face of some teachers they would be screaming they lungs out and blabbing they would protect the humanity alone beheading thousands of enemies per minute.

The principal waited a while for the young people to calm down and looked to the mature elegant woman and said "I won't speak unnecessary things,Miss Sasha is the person with greatest authority here so I ask for her to explain how yours study will change."

The others teachers don't have nothing to say about Miss Sasha be the person with greatest authority here, on the contrary, they look at her with respect.

Miss Sasha went on stage and looked at students and nodded "It's good you guys are excited about the speech of the principal, for the top you will need this passion,so about the changes in yours study is simple but complete different from normal school,first you guys have to see if you want be a warrior,the governments around the world founded a federation of learning,this federation is being building with several countries around so it's the most protected local in the world,but not everyone could go there,there 2.000 schools in the federation and each will accept 1.000 students,there few but it's the maximum amount of schools possible with the best teachers and best resources so in the incoming month will the top 10 of each college in the country will compete nationwide and 100 countries in the world each will be 20.000 places in the federation,and the top 30 of each country will enter the top 3 schools of federation."

Miss Sasha looked in the discouraged crowd and said "Don't worry, even if you don't pass will be the military,the students of the federation will go to the battlefield too, but they will be prepared, if you enter the battlefield without knowledge and power you will probably die, but always have people who succeeded like that or you do your own things and live normally,it's just that you won't have your destiny in yours hand, life is hard, no matter which one you choose, just do your best"

In the next day Lucas woke up, turn on the phone and everywhere in the weeb the speech of Miss Sasha and other higher-ups in others countries is diffusing and spreading,even the official governments sites is publishing such speech.

"I really don't have powers?" Lucas murmured looking at the ceiling.

"Well,at least I don't need to strive for something unavoidable, if humanity loses to these unknown enemies I alone wouldn't make a difference in the outcome, at most I could save myself but without having a place for yourself in the world what's the meaning, I probably would live for revenge and it would finish me." joked Lucas,but his tight clenched fists say otherwise.