The Unparalleled Genius

Lucas continued to run until going out of the square and suddenly stopped, if Sasha wanted kill him she wouldn't even need a palm, but she even activated her power to attack him.

"It looks that you are not dumb." Sasha appeared in Lucas's front like a ghost.

"My hypothesis is wrong." Sasha said to herself looking to Lucas's body.

When Lucas is going ask what's going on, he heard the familiar voice in his head.

Tring Tring

(The host can't obtain meanings above his own Tier.)

Lucas was a little disappointed, the power of Sasha is capable of healing his body in a instant from the backslash, and it's don't look like his main function.

"What you wanted to do hitting me?" Lucas looked to Sasha with dissatisfaction.

"It's nothing, just testing my theory in you, you won't care about that right?" Sasha replied making a innocent face.

"Why didn't you ask first then?" Lucas got irritated, he thought that is going to die and it's a experiment.

"Well, whatever, I see you learned to control your power but I have to tell some things about that." Sasha shrugged her shoulders and walked to a bench in the square.

Lucas hesitate but followed Sasha thinking if she know the system.

"Sit there and relax, I will tell you about a legend dreaded even in the High realm." Sasha sited completely relaxed but her face is a little serious.

"What story even the immortals and gods would dread?" Lucas got interested and didn't think anymore, he couldn't escape anyway.

"Isn't a story, this happened long long time ago, but it's so awesome that is considered a legend, even myself have difficulty to believe in that." Sasha replied serious with even a little fear.

"Tell me then, don't keep telling little by little." Lucas hate when someone do that, say it all at once.

Sasha is struggling to tell the legend in a dramatic way but this idiot don't help, but she continued the same way.

In An Ancient Time

A woman touched her newborn face and smiled in relief, then she closed the eyes and stopped breathing.

"Madame?Madame?Madame!?" the maid holding the newborn screamed in shock.

"What happened?!" a stern middle-aged man entered the room like wind and hurriedly asked.

"The M-Madame stopped breathin..." before the maid completed the sentence, a pressure exploded from the man and she started shaking.

"Erick, it's enough, go verify Astrid." an old woman who was the midwife said in urgency.

Erick go to the side of Astrid and checked her vitals and his face turned gray.

"It's impossible, it's impossible, it's impossible!How it's possible Astrid die in a normal birth?!" Erick screamed with red eyes.Astrid had a Tier 3 power, even with the child having more talent and being harder to gave birth, dying is impossible, some of his enemy must have poised her and she knows that is irreversible, even so she gave birth before dying.

"They will pay this with their life" Erick said hoarsely and walked to the door, before going out he gave a last glance to Astrid, even without life and with closed eyes she still a beauty like no one, and the gentleness still in her last smile.

"Take good care of him." Erick didn't turn around and goes out, and only his voice permanented in the room.

Erick's city has a leader in Tier 2 and is considered mid-low level in the God's Realm, this is how the natives of the High realm call themselves, and that day Erick's army and himself attacked every other city near that had previous mutual hate.

Erick beheaded one of the lords of these cities and they cound only form a alliance against him, so he's having disadvantages in quality and quantity and can only retreat to his territory and have a guerrilla war.

When he was back the newborn can already walk a little and he is dumbfounded, he's gonna to war just for 2 months, even when being stronger the son is more talented the initial stage won't accelerate much, he knows stronger people than himself and their son walked with 5 months, only people of the legendary Tier 0 and immortals have sons that develop so fast.

'Am I an immortal?' Erick thought but rejected immediately, if he was a immortal then won't need retreat from the war, and in a hour all that lords will have their heads off.

Shaking his head to forget about that, he nodded to the maid that was having taking care of the baby and go to his room think a strategy to win the war.

After a day his others sons came to see the baby, they are in the war with Erick so don't have time to see him, and they will remember their mother, even though isn't his fault seeing him is like imagining their mom in his place.

After all they are brothers so they have a good relationship when the baby is growing.

The baby got his name only 3 months after being born, first is because Erick is very occupied and second is because he don't want think about it, normally the parents will discuss which name is good but he can only discuss with himself, so the baby got his name only now.

"Your name will be Herbert that means 'Glorious fighter', 'Illustrious warrior' and ' Renowned in war'." Erick said with pride, his son started speaking now, it's mostly wrong but with 3 months old it's incredible, his son is a genius so obvious he is happy.

Herbert eyes shined and seems like very much of this name, his brothers laughed and the atmosphere is cozy.

Erick looked to this and his eyes are moist "Oh my love, why did you go without me?"

He planned have revenge and raise his sons to maturity and go encounter she.

Years later the war is still going, several people left the city and affected the gains of the city, and war spent a lot, but isn't it that preoccupied Erick, what he is preoccupied is that the higher-ups behead him and put another person in his place, this city it is his but every city has to pay tax to the owner of the region, and of course the tax is in medium energy stones, and several of them.

More years passed and now Herbert has 8 years old and learned to use halberd, because when he asked his brother what is the most efficient weapon in a war he replied halberd, and his name is surprising similar with that weapon so he decided taking that as his weapon.Whats is strange is that the maid who have take care of him from childhood to now is taking him to several locals out of the city and spending time there.

"Why we are going out so much,Fryda?There is nothing wrong with father's city." Herbert said with a crispy and childish voice.

"Of course there's nothing wrong with that, young master.We are only visiting others cities to show how big it's the world to you." Fryda said with a sweet smile.

Herbert is discontent but don't have a reason to go back.

"Hey, did you hear the news?" two guys in the road is talking casually.

"Nothing big happened lately, what news you will have." one of them rebuked.

"Hehe, it's recent, the steel fortress Erick fall." the other said gloating.

"It's tr-" before the guy said, he sees a halberd a inch away from his friend's neck.

"What did you said?" a voice full of fury but a little crispy asked.

"I don't know nothing, just that Erick and his two sons got beheaded, and their heads is on the gate of the city like a advice to other lords that don't pay the bills." the guy said with a trembling voice.

Suddenly the halberd went down and the man's head went off.The other guy is terrorized, normally even the big guys try to follow the rules of the city, after all a city is related with the money of a giant, doing whatever you want is bad.

Herbert only looked to the guy and don't do nothing, just walked in the direction of the exit of the city, but a hand grabbed his arms and Fryda looked at him with firmness.

"I want to go there." Herbert just said this with a firm expression too.

"Only if you kill me first" Fryda replied.

10 years later several lords of the cities are killed one after another, and their heads is exposed in the gate of their cities respectively.

"Young master, I think you exaggerated this time, the owner of the region is one of the 12 biggest families and organizations in God's Realm, if they want you dissappear so they do with a wave of hand." a maid hesitate and said.

"I know, I want they know that a unparalleled genius is their enemy." a cold young man replied while walking in the distance.

The maid sighed but followed him.