
Everyone stayed quietly and waited to be called by the teacher.

"Andrew." a teacher called loudly.

A blonde guy walked to the stage with a smile.

"You can chose any of the 10." the teacher continued.

Andrew looked to the shy boy, Lucas and Yufei.In the end he choose Lucas, he knows that he was a ordinary guy previously.Even though a ordinary guy can be a extraordinary one after the Eternal Day, but the previous impression is difficult to dissappear.

"Lucas, if you accept then stay in the stage.And the others go to the side." the teacher nodded and said after Andrew chosen his opponent.

Lucas nodded and waited in the stage, Andrew go to his front and waited the teacher.He don't mock or anything, the majority of the students that the judges chosen are extraordinary in some way, even before the powers.So they probably didn't randomly choose.

When the teacher started the fight, Andrew immediately attacked with a metallic looking hand.Lucas received the blow and took a few steps back.

His face is dignified, and he attacked with everything, Andrew didn't dodged and just attacked too, after tens of blows, Andrew falls and the teacher stopped the fight.

"You are strong, I almost lose." Lucas said with a dignified face.

"You are the winner, It's what matter." Andrew shook his head in the ground.

Bai who was looking to the fight had difficulty to maintain a straight face, Lucas pretended too much.Who can't see that he isn't even injured.The others that are chosen see this too, and looked weirdly, principally the short haired girl and Yufei.

Of course Lucas did it to others challenge him too, Bai only got chosen in the second batch, it's mean that at least half of the 10 are Tier 8.He don't doubt the ability of the the government, those judges might choose those who already selected by the higher-ups.

Surprisingly the next student don't selected him, but the small girl.She defeated him instantly, but Lucas see that she still Tier 9, but her powers isn't demonstrated or is hidden.

'The teacher said her name is Alice, even though she still Tier 9, she is so strong.Maybe she is like Ryo and had two powers.This school really have hidden dragons.' Lucas thought looking to Alice.

She seen to sense the look and glanced back at him.Looking to the big blue eyes and the small face, Lucas thought for a moment that he is looking to a doll.But soon he looked away.

Two more fights happened, one Yufei is chosen and the other one is the shy boy.Yufei defeated the opponent with a little difficulty, but the shy boy defeated his opponent easily.The teacher said his name is Edward.

Meanwhile, Lucas received a notification again.

(The host obtained a Tier 9 metal covering meaning, and lacks 6 meanings to upgrade to Tier 8.)

Lucas is happy, and looking tho the hundreds of students, his eyes turned a little dangerous.

The next one wants to battle Yufei.

"The competitors don't need accept consecutive fights, only if you want." the teacher said.

Yufei accept and used almost all his strength from the beginning, he don't wanna be understated.After beating the guy in seconds, the crowd changed their views on him.No one of those chosen are easy to bully so far.

The next one challenged Lucas, even though several of them knew that Lucas is just acting before, but several still think that he and Andrew have a though fight.

Lucas go to the stage happily, while thinking what strategy he will use to make they take the bay.

"You have a great fight with Andrew, but you will lose to me." the guy who challenged him spoke proudly.

Lucas got a little angry, but suddenly smiled.He though of a good way to make them fall in the pit.

When the guy wants to speak, the teacher interrupted and said to start the fight.The guy swallowed his words and ran to Lucas.

Lucas thought it's another tanker, but his body got heavy suddenly.The guy is in his front when he can move a little, he punched Lucas's face with everything.But Lucas can't move well so he stayed in place.

The guy's face changed and he backed off.

"Why did you don't move?My strength is weak comparable with those with attack power, but you can't even move." he said a little strange.

Lucas got used to the heavy body, and punched the guy without answering.The guy flew out of the stage.

Lucas went out murmuring "Why everyone is so weak there?"

Everyone is quiet seeing that guy flying, so some people heard what he say.Immediately some strong ones want to fight him.

( The host obtained a Tier 9 heavy body debuff meaning, and lacks 5 meanings to upgrade to Tier 8.)

After several fights, Lucas learned the names of almost all competitors.The tall girl with ponytail is Nina, the glass guy is Sidney, and the gentle looking guy is Robert.Only the short haired girl he don't know, and nobody challenged her.

Meanwhile, Bai arrived in his side and patted his shoulder.

"You are right, we can have a position in the top 10 without problem." Bai said excited.

The others competitors looked to them amused, if Bai said that then alright, he is on Tier 8, but a Tier 9 saying that is too much arrogant.They consider themselves the best in the Tier 9, but they won't do such statement.

"Too few people challenge me, it's a pity." Lucas shock his head.

"Humpf, you said like is invincible in the Tier 9." Alice said suddenly.

William thought about his powers and even without knowing to use them together, he is almost certainly that he is invincible in the Tier 9, but he don't say that.It will look much arrogant.

Seeing Lucas not speaking, Alice just scoffed and waited someone challenge her.

Suddenly Lucas is called, he looked to the guy who challenged himself, and it's look more powerful than the previous ones.Several people give up after seeing that none of them are weak, so the remaining ones are more strong.

The guy attacked in the moment that Lucas got in the stage, he looked common, just with a sword.But the sword don't give any radiance or momentum, so his power must be in the body.

Lucas got hit but don't care, but after the first hit, several attacks hit the same place, and made a cut in his arm.He immediately used heavy body debuff, and the guy got slower and he hit him in the stomach.The teacher gave victory to Lucas and he went off the stage.

Looking to the cut, he is a little excited.This attack speed will be him now.Being a asshole and provoking people to beat them up will be good, a pity that his personality isn't like that.

Surprisingly, the next one challenged him too.

'Why didn't you guys came together?' Lucas thought while going towards the stage.

It's a tall girl with a scar in the face, her name is Penelope.

When the teacher said to start, she just stood there.Lucas and everyone else got confused.

"I know I can't win you, but you are the strongest that I see in the Tier 9, so I wanna fight with you." She said expectant.

"Okay." Lucas looked deeply to Penelope and get in fighting stance.She ran to Lucas in a great speed

Lucas is surprise, this speed is only a little less than his own.So he ran to her too, she clawed at him, Lucas blocked but sensed the momentum of the blow and covered the arm in metal.


Even with the metal covering and defense meaning, his arms got a scratch.He immediately used the heavy body debuff and gave a kick in her belly, she is hit but just is pushed back.

"What?She had 3 powers?" Lucas got confused, but he continued attacking.

When she was in the border of the stage, she caught one of his punches and her nails penetrate a little in his arms.Before he can attack again, she jumped off the stage.

(The host obtained a Tier 9 attack speed enhancement meaning, and lacks 4 meanings to upgrade to Tier 8.)

(The host received an attack from a person with 2 powers, and randomly obtained a Tier 9 all-around meaning, and lacks 3 meanings to upgrade to Tier 8.)

Lucas know that the first notification is about the previous fight, but the new notification is about Penelope.She had all-around power, this why her speed, attack and defense is so good, and her other power must be something with nails and claws.Even a all-around can't hurt his double defense.

The judges must make a exception to her, a all-around people is rare.Physical powers are one of the less favorites because you gain only one of the aspects, if you enhance all aspects it'll be more powerful than elements.