A Genius?

The people in the camp are stunned seeing Lucas killing the monster, the different between Tier 7 and Tier 8 isn't so simple.Even the Vice-Admiral and the others from the army are stunned, even those with evolved powers can only delay a little in the hands of a Tier 7 monster while in the Tier 8.

He only heard of one guy with blood like lightning killing a Tier 7 monster while in the Tier 8, and that guy is from other country.

"Investigate him." the Vice-Admiral said shortly to the others officials around him.

"Sir, I know him." Marcos saluted and said.

The Vice-Admiral didn't respond, just waited to him continue.

"He is a friend of my son, so I give a little investigation about him.He is a orphan and a normal boy in school, he woke up in the 3rd day after the Eternal Day, so his talent aren't to be good.He even go to the school for a few days without change, but then he got out with his friend and other boy, and demonstrated his power in the wild." Marcos said resuming all the information he knows about Lucas.

The Vice-Admiral still didn't responded, just looked thoughtful.After a while, he decided.

"Don't do anything to him, he had a friendship with Marco's son, so he probably isn't a bad boy." the Vice-Admiral said and go to his barrack.

Everyone nodded and dispersed too.After a while, Lucas succeeded in dragging the monster body to the military camp.

"Hey Liz, give me a hand here." Lucas said pointing to the monster.

He don't care about the monster core, he just want to take it to trade.He already confirmed that this thing and energy stones are useless to him, but money is good, he can buy several goods foods with it.

Liz nodded and took the monster core of it, Lucas has this meaning too, but he already demonstrated so many powers.He don't have fear, but he isn't idiot too.

She gave the core to him, and Lucas just put it in his pocket, for him this thing and a marble are the same thing.

Clap Clap

A clap sound came from the side, they looked and it is a group of 4 persons.The leader is the one clapping.

"I was impressed that a Tier 8 can win that monster, but there is several strong people in this contest." the guy said with a smile.

"Did you want this core?" Lucas asked directly, he don't care about these things, when he upgrade to Tier 7, they won't be his opponents.

"It is a lie if I say no, but will you sell this?" the guy was surprised, but recuperate quickly and asked.

"If I asked is because I want sell." Lucas looked weirdly to the guy.

The guy got a little excited, even though he can kill Tier 7 monsters too, but they are difficult to encounter, and some of them are much more complicated than that stone monster.

"What did you want in return?" the guy don't speak about money, these things normally are only traded.

Lucas got surprised that the guy accepted and hesitate.In the end he go to the side and murmured something in Ryo's ears.Ryo face got weird, but he replied murmuring too.When they are confused, Lucas went back and looked serious.

"I wanna 400 energy fragments." Lucas said seriously.

Everyone is dumbfounded, even though the energy fragments give accelerate progress to a Tier 9 person, after entering Tier 8, it is almost useless.So to them, these things are a little meaningless, they didn't even know if they had 400 of them now.

"Why did you wanna these things?" the guy asked, he don't have so many of them, in the Tier 8 it is almost useless, so in the Tier 7, it don't make nothing.

"I want the type of currency that will work around the world, after all, we would go to the federation.Having the country currency is useless to me now." Lucas explained.

He had reason, but the guy don't have these things, he can only give up.Even though getting things like that isn't impossible to him, but more the better.

"Senior, we had energy fragments, we can gather all of them and pay for you." one guy in the group said.

"Okay, thanks.You guys have my favor." the guy got happy and said proudly.

They gathered the energy fragments and there is 358 of them in total.They though that it is over, but Lucas let them pay less.

"Earning money really is hard." Lucas murmured looking to the guy and his group walking in the distance.

The others rolled the eyes, even though the energy fragments are mostly effective to Tier 9, but how many people are stuck there, even several riches, so this thing still precious, and there is more than 350 of them.

"The sky is already starting to get brighter." Edward said looking up to the dark sky.

"I wanted to sleep, now it looks that there is little time to the preliminaries ends." Lucas said distressed.

"Let's wait here then." Bai said and seated on the ground.

Everyone seated too, waiting to the Vice-Admiral speak that it ended.After a while, the sky get more and more bright, and several teams arrived too.They even see some people of their school, and surprisingly Elise is alone.

To go alone there really is terrible, only some Tier 7 do it, but even the majority of them go accompanied.Alone you had to stay in maximum alert, for a whole day it is almost torture.

After the the sun appeared, the Vice-Admiral got out of his barrack, he walked to the front of everyone and stayed there without speaking for a while.

"All of those who arrived after the sun got up are disqualified.The others can go forward and take your monsters core." the Vice-Admiral said calmly.

Some guys entered the crowd and took out the late ones, and several of them passed with a clipboard asking to take the monsters core out, to count.

After half hour, is they turn.The guy approached with a clipboard and asked to them take out the cores.

Ryo took out the cores, there is 18 Tier 8 monsters core and 1 Tier 7 monster core, it is from the big guy.The guy was surprised, the 18 Tier 8 cores aren't great thing, but the Tier 7 one is surprisingly.He looked to them and recognized Lucas, he understood, if it's a weak Tier 7, this guy can kill it quite easily.He just wrote down and go to others groups.

They didn't get agitated, they know that they will pass it.So they only waited to the speech of the Vice-Admiral.

After another half hour, a guy organized all the papers and give it to the Vice-Admiral.

The majority isn't even nervous, they knew the results after all, they are only excited or disappointed.The Vice-Admiral looked a little to the papers and give it back to the guy.The guy nodded and waved to the others.

"Those who are disqualified will go back with the helicopters." the guy spoke loudly.

Several of them lowered their heads and followed the soldiers.From the previous almost 10 thousands people, there is only 6 thousands now.After a while, the helicopters came back.

"You guys who still here will pass through a 1vs1 fight with a normal monster, if you can win or hold for a while, you can proceed to the real competition." the Vice-Admiral said calmly.

Everyone is surprised, where the army will get 6 thousands monsters to fight them?

"Get in the helicopters, when we arrive I will explain." the Vice-Admiral said and entered one helicopter.

Everyone entered the helicopter and stayed quiet, they stayed all night in the wild, everyone just wants to rest now.In Lucas's group helicopter, everyone heard a snore suddenly.

They looked around, and sees Lucas sleeping with his head laying in the seat.Everyone in the helicopter are astonished, everyone wants to sleep, but they are excited or thinking about their next opponent, but this guy just sleep directly.

Liz and Edward got embarrassed about that, Ryo don't care, Lucas looks unreliable, but he always is there in the end.Bai is trying to sleep too, but he just can thing about lightning.He wanted to upgrade to Tier 7 soon.

The helicopters go deeper in the wild, even though they said before that they can't go forward because of monsters.After a while, a big base is seem in the horizon, and the helicopters go there.When the helicopter landed, Lucas woke up.Seeing the big metal like building, he got surprised, the Vice-Admiral said that there is only a base in the center of conflict.

They got out of the helicopter and the Vice-Admiral is on the front waiting to all of them going out.

"Your targets are here, and don't worry, even though I said here is the center of conflict, the monsters retreat without reason.So is okay for now." the Vice-Admiral said and started walking forward, and everyone followed.