
Everyone entered the coliseum after the Vice-Admiral, and immediately they get overwhelmed with the cheers and screams.Lucas gotta irritated and put a earphone and put a music in the phone.

"...Dancing like I don't even want to believe it,

These words I kept stringing together to show you

Can you hear my voice, from my invisible self?

Dancer in the dark

Even if you can see through my silhouette, broken and misshapen,

At least let your voice ring out

Desperately clinging on, searching for proof

Just like a ghost..."

Lucas gotta relaxed hearing the music, but suddenly a photo sound came from his side, he retired the earphone and looked to the side.There is several people filming them, principally Lucas.

"Did you see that, he even used earphone.He don't care about the others competitors." a fat guy said excited.

"He is so cool, such confidence and calm.He is one of the favorites of the contest." a blonde woman that looks like she was doing a vlog said.

Lucas looked astonished to these people, he just put earphones because they are noisy.Looking to the front again, several others competitors looked to him, they seems to think the same of those guys.

He don't care about it and just put away his phone and continued walking,After a while, the volume around decreased, they are in a huge vip like place.

"The 1.228 come with me, the rest stay here until I am back.We probably won't end this tonight, so prepare to came tomorrow too." the Vice-Admiral said and went back to the center of the coliseum.

The called ones followed while the others searched a place to seat, they are disappointed, but they can only get stronger.

In the center of the coliseum, the Vice-Admiral stopped and waited, after a while everyone arrived.The voices of the public and the voices among the competitors make the place looks like a hot pot, there is sounds everywhere.

The Vice-Admiral just lifted his hand and everyone stopped, just some random voices stayed, but sensing the mood, they disappeared too.The coliseum got quiet like a cemetery.

"The contest will start now, all the rounds will be random 1vs1." the Vice-Admiral said and got to a higher seat with the officials.

Even though the officials went together, only a few of higher authority seated, the rest stayed standing, and there is some others peoples seated there.They don't look military or from a unique group, 2 of them even have seats besides the Vice-Admiral.

Lucas got confused, but everyone looked to that like it is a obvious thing, even the crowd seems to know those people.

"I bet that you don't about these guys up there, right?" Bai said smugly.

"Of course I know." Lucas said calmly.

Bai smugly face disappeared and he looked stunned, he knows that Lucas don't know any famous, be before or after the Eternal Day.He is impressed that he knows these guys, even though they are well-known, they don't appear in the TV like celebrities.

Suddenly a soldier walked to the Vice-Admiral and the others 2 with a big box.

"Here is the name of every competitor, the ones that the Vice-Admiral take will fight against each other." the soldier said what is inside the box.

The Vice-Admiral put his hand in the box, and catched two papers.He give it to the soldier, and the soldier said with a microphone "Competitor Bryan Smith and competitor Lucas come here."

Lucas got confused, he never uses his surname, now that only Lucas is called, it is him?There is more than a thousand competitors for now, how lucky or unlucky he was to be called first.

He walked to there, the soldier didn't say nothing, probably really is his name, so he relaxed.The Bryan on his front looked a little nervous, Lucas wanted to see his power, if he don't have, he will let him hit himself, if not then he would make him fly out the stage.He can't be beaten every single time, it is suspicious, and shameful too.

Bryan make like the monster that Ryo had fighted, his whole body is covered with a earth armor, it looks like he had double defense.His fighting style probably is guerrilla war, he don't have strength to finish things quickly after all.

Lucas looked happy seeing the earth armor, he don't have it.With that thing, he can upgrade to Tier 7 now.Seeing Lucas happy face, the audience looked weird, the others competitors too.

"Look, he is really cool, he just smile that his opponent has the courage to fight against him." the previous blonde vlogger said excitedly.

Several others women and men thinks this too, even though Lucas has average appearance, but his several meanings transformed his body, even though he isn't super handsome, but he has a good appearance, and his body looks both streamlined and strong at the same time.

Lucas just stood there waiting, but Bryan just moved around him cautiously.Lucas got impatient and rushed to Bryan, when he is near, he gave a lightning attack.He wants the meaning, but he won't just stay waiting or give shit attacks, it would look like humiliating the guy.

The lightning hit Bryan and made huge cracks in his earth armor, so he decided to have a frontal battle.Lucas has lightning so even with his weak destructive strength, he probably can last longer than him.A punch hit Lucas, he didn't even activated the metal covering.

(The host received an attack from a person with 2 powers, since the host have one of them, obtained the other one, a Tier 8 earth meaning.Upgraded to Tier 7.)

Lucas already expect that, but he still happy.He make a lightning appear and Bryan is thrown out of the stage, surprisingly he isn't even injured.

Lucas lightning stayed white, it don't got purple strands like Bai's lightning, but it's power is incredible.He can easily kill all the monsters he already seen with just one of these lightning, and his control already came in the maximum.Just like now, he defeated Bryan without even hurting him.

The Vice-Admiral and the two by his side looked stunned to Lucas.The one in the middle looked suspiciously to the Vice-Admiral.

"Hey Nathan, you got such good boy, why did you don't speak early?" the guy said in admiration.

The Vice-Admiral made a strange face, but immediately returned to the normal.

"Oh, so this guy isn't from the army?" the guy said with a mischievous smile.He said that to see if Nathan, the Vice-Admiral would fall on it.

He really fall for it, the reaction is small, but they noticed immediately.The guy in the right smiled and stood up.Nathan and the other guy are stunned, but before they reacted, the guy floated in the air and came to Lucas side.

Lucas is stunned seeing a guy falls from the sky in his front, he can do things like that with his actual wind, but this is too much show off.This guy isn't young and yet flex like that, he don't have shame?

"My name is Ralph, and I want to invite you to my adventurer team." the guy said with a smile.

Just after him, Nathan and the other guy appeared there too.The two had bad faces now, they want to invite Lucas too, but they can't do it now.That guy go the same way, they know he was very free, but this is a dumb move.

"Hey, I think you know me, my name is Paul.I am the capital mayor, and I invite you to became a protector of the city.Of course it won't mess you going to the federation." the guy in the side of the Vice-Admiral said.

"You know me, I am from the army.My name is Nathan, so don't need to call me Vice-Admiral.I hope you join the army." Nathan said simply.

Lucas looked to the three middle-aged guys and got in conflict, he don't care which organization he would enter.After all, he has to go to the High realm.When he was thinking, another person appeared in their side.Their faces changed, they didn't see that person approaching.

All 4 of them turned at the same time, and there is a beautiful mature woman with a gentle smile.Lucas immediately got happy seeing Sasha, she winked to Lucas and started talking to the 3 middle-aged men.

"I see this boy first, so you guys don't need to worry which organization he is gonna to enter." Sasha said with a smile.

The three just nodded repeatedly and returned to their seat, when they looked back, Sasha and Lucas disappeared.Only a voice sounded in their heads.

"I will take him for a while, in the next round, he would be back." of course it is Sasha voice, and she said seductively.

The three of them don't dare think anything about this seductive voice, they just stood there looking to each other in shock.