Party without a Healer?

"Eren… are you… perhaps talking about rankless students?"

Eren was expecting this kinda reaction from the people gathered around his table. Rankless students were usually left alone to their devices. That's because they didn't have the qualifications to fight alongside Novice rankers due to their ordinary, non-mana powers.

LA would match up a seven-pronged party with another one of the same numbers in them. Despite there being rankless members on either side or not. Rankless students would be targeted first by the opponent party and roll that advantage into a victory.

So no Novice party would take up any rankless member. But Eren was suggesting that they pick up two more members from the same rankless lot.

"Yes, I'm talking about rankless people. But we will not list them as our party members until they break through into the Novice rank. Consider them as our reserve members.