[Bonus chapter] Lady Zee

"I'm in, Jules. But I'd need some time to prepare. Like a few weeks to two months. Will it be okay?"

Eren raised his condition. Jules was expecting this so she agreed to it immediately:

"That would have been the case even if you didn't ask about it, Ronny. My organization also needs to look for more rogue anthropes to join us in our exploration. Plus, we need to analyze purgatory and find out to whom it belongs.

This is an ancient purgatory, Ronny. Ancient even by purgatory standards. So we can not let our guards down. We can take all the time we need and prepare ourselves for the unthinkable before we even think about entering that separate dimension.

So take your time. We are in no rush."

Eren nodded at Jules after hearing her reply. He had already started thinking about the things he'd need to explore purgatory.