"Have You Ever Met a God?"

"I started doubting my ideal image of a successful ranker that I had created for myself. Was it correct? Did I achieve anything worth being proud of? Or was I just being a douche like you guys are?"

Eren dissed himself and his enemies. Then he chuckled and verbally marched forward:

"Having a broader perspective changes you as a whole, you know? It makes you think that all the things you had done were of no significance in the grand scheme of things.

Never meet your heroes, they say! Do you know what's an even more soul-crushing experience?

Meeting gods!

Their presence makes you feel inferior. Their mere gaze is enough to let you realize you are nothing but a speck of dust. Feelings like these make you restless because they keep on growing in your head no matter how many times you try to get rid of them.

Tell me, Claho, have you ever met a god?"

Eren asked the enemy leader while looking him in the eyes. The latter raised his eyebrows before responding grimly: