Floating Island P3*

"Hold your tits together. I have a "job" for them."

Eren said and pursed his lips before laughing a bit. His voice was domineering yet casual.

Altashia chuckled when she saw Eren's love for her boobs was stronger than she had initially anticipated. A pleasant surprise.

That made her proud of her assets. She did what she was asked to do and held her breasts together with her hands. The hatchlings of the flame climbed on her breasts and made her brassiere disappear into thin air.

"Damn. Their size and plushness are just the way I like them to be."

Eren said and brought his rod closer to them. This would be his first tittyfuck after the start of his second timeline. And he needed boobs like these to perform the act, which normally wouldn't be as thrilling to him as it was now.