How Project Clean Slate Came to Be P2

"Only giants could put up a fight with the giants.

The alliance started asking the right questions of itself after it realized that the power of shapeshifting was the key to scoring a defined win against the Titans. And House Samael, who was the leader of the half-blood forces at the time, came up with the right set of answers.

House Samael declared that it would create an all-inclusive primer matter, which will help both regular rankers as well as half-bloods in their shapeshifting."

Eren clenched his fists as he heard Nira speak. He knew what the Sage archer was talking about. However, he kept calm and let her finish what she was saying.

"This primer matter was supposed to be made from an ever-evolving mutagen that can attune to pre-existing mutagens or regular genetic codes before strengthening them. It would allow the half-bloods to shapeshift while strengthening their bodies and bloodlines.