The Legend of the Boar Berserker– the Musical and the Ballad of Grimdawn

Osha knew she did a good job from observing the intensity of applause. She smiled brightly before speaking to her audience in a friendly tone again.

"Tonight is your night, my young stars. So I need something from you all- your active participation. I want you to be vocal and expressive. It is so that you can each contribute to making this event memorable for us all.

We will start this event on a high note. Please welcome tonight's first group of performers on stage."

Another round of applause ensued. It could be said that Osha was progressively getting better at being a good host. She didn't waste time wrapping up her first verbal salvo.

The Grad Ball event had a long list of various small and big programs before the actual Ball took place. The actual Ball would start at midnight after these programs were over.