
Before coming to the mortal realm, Eren has discreetly altered his appearance to blend in seamlessly with the mortal populace.

He deliberately diminished his usual good looks, reduced his stature, and toned down his muscular definition.

Employing a self-concocted potion, he concealed his aura, ensuring that the mortals could engage with him without feeling overwhelmed or intimidated.

As he entered the City of Sunhaven, the usual pressure associated with his A-Rank Status was conspicuously absent. He appeared as normal as he could be and his presence was just like that of a veteran Rook.

Shifting his appearance was a simple task for Eren, courtesy of his inherent bloodline powers. He could assume the appearance of almost anyone he wanted or thought of. 

It was only adjusting his Mana Signature that posed him a challenge. However, the Kaaisayan Demon Slayer Corps provided invaluable assistance.