Chapter Seven

On the third day, the guards took the baker away to be executed. As he was being led away, a look of horror was on his face as he pointed at Gann and shouted: "You were telling the truth! You were telling the truth! You weren't lying you were telling the truth!"

There was nothing Gann and the chamberlain could have done. Even with the belief that they were free to make their own destinies the guards were armed while they were not.

The day after the baker's execution, the guard with whom Gann had spoken informed them that Deucalion would marry Europa on the sunset of the day the Athenian youths and maidens entered the Labyrinth. Gann could only laugh to hide his alarm but he hid it poorly.

"H-He is b-being premature." Said Gann. "Y-Yes, so p-p-premature to c-celebrate my expiry with m-marrying..."

"It would seem Aphrodite has selected you and Europa to love each other." Observed the chamberlain. "You said yourself that we make our own destinies. Only you can make the destiny where you save Europa."

"Chamberlain, what can you tell me of Deucalion? Why does he obsess over Europa?" asked Gann.

"Europa was almost married." Stated the chamberlain. "Deucalion killed her bridegroom and her father all to break her as much as possible and then make her his. He thought killing them would be enough to break her."

With this information, Gann began to brood. He seldom brooded but when he did it must have ben truly something to cause it. Four weeks he brooded until the Athenian youths and maidens arrived.

Gann was brought from the cell to Minos' throne room. As he was brought there he heard a terrible inhuman howl. So at last he heard the voice of the Minotaur.

Before Minos three stood defiant while all the others bowed: Gann, Miletus and one of the Athenian youths. Ariadne's eyes were on the youth, taken in by his handsomeness.

"Who are you to not kneel, Athenian?" asked Minos.

"I am Theseus." Replied the Athenian impulsively. "I am the Bull Slayer, I am son of King Aegeus of Athens I am second only to Heracles himself. I come to slay the Minotaur."

Gann stared at Theseus. That was quite the boast but he needed to make sure this Theseus was not a one-deed hero.

"Besides killing the Cretan Bull what have you done, friend Theseus?" he asked.

"I have slain Periphetes the Clubman, Sinis the Pinebender, Sciron and Procrustes. I have broken all the ribs of Cercyon. I have defeated the sons of Pallas in battle. Are these deeds enough for you, barbaric foreigner?" Theseus drew a sword and pointed it at Gann.

"Peace, Theseus. I am not your enemy. If I can I will kill the Minotaur too."

"Then you are my rival!"

Gann sighed. "No, no I am your ally, your friend." He only hoped that this Athenian prince wasn't as bad the Cretan prince otherwise what sort of friend would he be?