The weirdest duo

Chapter 49: The weirdest duo

"I like hero's bonuses! I can feel the higher stamina's effects as we go," Steel Melody chatted with Reylin. Still, at one point, he suddenly became silent.

She shifted her eyes behind and noticed Reylin holding an unknown paper.

For a second, Steel Melody believed those were the plans for the guild competition. However, Reylin's contorted face said otherwise, and she didn't ask him.

Those were Layla's Fire Mana notes.

Since Reylin had completed her quest, he talked with her about it, and those notes fell into his inventory. The notes were S Ranked, and Reylin hadn't been successful with them... That was relatively high-quality stuff, but it opened eyes for Reylin.


Everyone had the same mana, but only the ascended had turned their mana into something else.

Reylin naturally wanted Fire Mana, and he was amazed that Layla had touched a little of its boundary.