What did you do?

Chapter 58: What did you do?

Reylin licked his lips, "You came here knowing the rules. I also have brothers and parents. Should I reserve one item for them? Haha."

The player didn't say anything, but his face contorted with ire, "And what do you know about them?! What if they lied to us? You know how nobles treat us, the players! They are wary of us!"

"That's right. Let's check how keen the noble's eyes are," Reylin clasped his hands behind his back and shifted his eyes to the royalty, "How many items have I dropped?"

Reylin's straightforward words sparked indignation in the nobles except for the receiver himself.

The royalty didn't let anything transpire on his face, and his friendly mask remained, "Should I list it out loud, or do we go through the system?"

"System. I want to take a bath quickly," Reylin made the nobles tremble for the second time.

The system messages popped out before him, and Reylin made a quick comparison through its grace.