Like volcano!

Chapter 141: Like volcano!

Reylin was one of the important, if not the most, players in the whole alliance.

Was it wise to leave him with just one player and resident? Even a donkey would predict that a hidden force would try to attack him from the shadows!

Lioness and Ferocious Bear had talked about it with him. Still, Reylin just requested one tank to support him and Emilia.

Emilia's flames healed!

As long as she could conjure those flames, Reylin believed no one would be able to kill him.

Steel Melody's abilities also rose. She was natural, both masochist and the tank, so her abilities greatly supported the couple.

"Let's have some fun, you sneaky bastards! Massive Taunt Area!" Steel Melody's shield let out terrifying roars as if she had sealed a beast here.

Those roars became visible, akin to the thunder, and all her opponents stopped moving.

Her skill clearly slapped the black-cloaked group!