Layla's Grand Magic

Chapter 144: Layla's Grand Magic

[You have erased an unknown seal.]

Reylin's system couldn't read through that seal, so players probably wouldn't have learned about its property and usages.

After Reylin spat out more flames than usual, the seal dispersed, leaving Zamram and his people open!

Those were suicidal fools that Reylin didn't want to fight with.

His party did well keeping them busy, however!

Thus, Reylin's dragon wings flapped, and he rose to the sky!

From above, he parted his lips and widely opened his jaw. His helmet followed his eyes, exposing a little part of his body.

In an instant, Reylin let a terrifying flamethrower out of his mouth!

Those scarlet flames rushed at Zamram!

'Let's see his reaction,' Reylin thought as his eyes hovered on the armored royalty.

Zamram did nothing, which was expected.