A good girlfriend solves the inward dilemma

Chapter 159: A good girlfriend solves the inward dilemma

"Revo Company is utterly fucked," Aria said while staring at Reylin.

Her boyfriend was melting one of the rainbow scales. He needed a lot of time to process through just one scale, so the couple sat down and talked about the recent events.

It was also quite hot, so Aria threw most of her clothes.

She crossed her arms beneath ample chest in just her panties, then turned her eyes toward Reylin, "A few of them confessed what they knew. Nothing... They know nothing! Haha! I can't believe it went through, you know? This game that is."

"It's not a game," Reylin replied without turning his eyes to his beauty.

Lioness just gazed into his eyes, then nodded, "That's what I've been thinking. I found it ludicrous and laughable at times... But recent events... and you telling me this... I must believe in that theory."