The Faynom World's Past

Chapter 170: The Faynom World's Past

Reylin and his people got sent straight to the past.

"For someone this stupid and disgusting, this man has quite powerful treasures," Reylin said after he dropped onto the ground.

He read the system messages, and his eyes widened at the absurd concept.

The past.

They were sent to the past... Honestly speaking, Reylin immediately imagined himself killing the ascended from the past. 

That wasn't a wise choice, however.

If he killed them all here, the future could change too much... What if the Faynom World changed so much that Layla and others disappeared? For his little baby and friends, Reylin needed to be careful.

He was responsible for too many lives.

Reylin was the king!

"Are we all here?" Reylin asked while bringing Emilia up.

She stood up and replied, "I believe so."

Crown Liam nodded, "We all got teleported here, including the ghosts."