The Emperors Part 1

Red jump of his seat

"Is that true?"

"Don't get too excited. It is just a theory that was used to keep the noble from thinking that there are people that gave power without working hard for it."

"But if they were blessed with their choice to make who is bless and who is not."

"True but that is not how this cruel world works."

"I see. So you don't know what Third Keys are."


Clint walked away and then he checked on Orange's injuries and then Red was thinking about Apollo hoping he is okay. Back in the Atlantic Ocean. Apollo was holding his own against Artemis.

"What is this place? Am I back in my visions?" Apollo said

Apollo was back in his visions and he was walking toward the way to where there are chains around his visions. He move closer but he couldn't reach there. He move across to where there was a bright light and he walk to it and seen a place fill with flowers. Apollo touch the flowers and then the flower rot and disappear like ash and then he looked up and see a large eagle and the place was cold and then he has seen a cloud with a face on it and it said.

"There are forces that are coming to destroy the balance and now there must be heroes that will bring back the balance. You must stop them."

Apollo was looking up at the cloud and he has seen the eagle wings grow larger and cover the sun and Apollo was worry about the future and then there was a dark cloud over Apollo and a hand came from the cloud and grab him. Apollo look over above the clouds and see that it was a soul that was traveling down a road and Apollo read about this realm in books.


Apollo looks at an illusion that turns out to be a woman.

"My baby. My little baby boy." She walked up to Apollo and touched his face and he was worried about who this person he saw in front of him was.

"Who is this woman? She has green eyes and a green dress that has a flower design and her hair is green. Her hair smells so nice." Apollo went deeper into his vision and he saw what looked like him and was playing with the woman he saw but he couldn't remember who she was.

Apollo saw the saber and it said, "control your ki."

"Who is this that sounds like a woman's voice. It isn't her but it is another woman's voice. What she means to control my ki. This is very difficult to control my ki right now. It's almost like my body is moving fast and my mind moves so slow."

"Control it by feeling nothing. You must feel completely calm and your ki will stay calm too." The woman voice said

"Think of nothing. Nothing."

Apollo went back and Artemis was shooting at him with five arrows and they were in front of him and he was worry he would get hit but he didn't think about them or anything. He became empty and become one with his inner self. Apollo slash through them with one slash and Artemis was worry.

"How did he slash them so easily like that."

Apollo moved closer to Artemis and she couldn't scent Apollo, not all.

"Did he figure out how to keep his ki calm? I only felt this once before from one of the Buddhist masters that focuses on ki."

Apollo's eyes turn green to blue and they glow with ki and his saber was also glowing with the symbols.

"So he did calm his ki but his power is still not that powerful but he stands against me while I am not fully at my full strength."

"This feels amazing. My body feels light." Apollo thought that this power probably put him in Tier 1.

Apollo moved and he shot two arrows toward Artemis and Apollo also ran toward her too to take her down with one move.

"No, I can't move anywhere. Those arrows will follow me to anywhere I go."

"It's over. Artemis give up." Apollo said

Artemis laughed. "Give up,'' you say. You funny little boy. You don't know anything about the comic world but you have the power to change it but you don't understand how the people feel, not all." Artemis cried with tears of sadness and she could never understand why they were chosen by the Goddess's race.

"Why were you chosen but I see something in you that makes you into a man. You better not make people feel down or anything to push people around. If you break from your path. I will come back and punch you back on that path. You man." Artemis with tears coming down her face had decided to let him be and get defeated.

"Don't give so easily Artemis. You've been very helpful to me, realizing how much you were hurt and how much people are always showing kindness but always have a cruel fate and for that. I will not bring shame to anyone. Good or bad. They all fight for something because they too were destroyed by something that they couldn't control. I thank you and I will become the best emperor throughout the comic worlds."

Artemis cried and the platform was destroyed and then she was falling down into the water.

When there is beauty there is destruction and where life there is also death like water flows it ends at the road and if where fire there is life.

Apollo slashes Artemis and Artemis start to disappear and then the lights in the sky lighten up and the moon is as bright as blue light. The lights were starting to disappear and the moon was moving and the sun was rising.

Apollo landed on one of the platforms and looked down in the water where Artemis vanished.

"So this is what fate is like for those with power but was betrayed by those who were close to her. Artemis please be safe in memories."

"I will," Artemis said from the saber.

"Artemis that you?"

"Yes, it is."

"You sound very happy, dumb master," Blu said

"Blu, what happened to you?"

"I was put back in by Yellow's card magic."

"Card magic?"

"Yeah. I'll tell you about it later."

"Apollo, who is Blu?" Artemis asks

"Apollo, who is Artemis?" Blu asks

"Ugh, I tell you later."

Artemis and Blu came out from Apollo saber.

"Tell us NOW!" Artemis and Blu said


"Apollo! You okay." Red said

"Red. Where you get that ship from man."

"From your girl's place. Where else?"

"You funny Dale."

"I try to be."

"Where Orange at? Is he okay?"

"Of course I am," Orange said

"I'm glad you're okay."

"You can thank me later but not the time to relax. We go to Ishtar so we can discuss some things about your crew." Clint said

"My crew?"