Chapter 181

Monday, June 6th, 2044

Dragon Corps Headquarters, Sameran City, Agnolia, Netheria.

A highly prized and modern vertical-lift combat helicopter landed on the Helipad 15, and two figures in casual clothes, holding their backpacks disembarked it.

From the group of soldiers, two ladies in uniform, wearing the badges of the Dragon Corps Captains, stepped forward.

"Welcome to Sameran City, Senpai!" The cheerful one brightly greeted him, and the blonde smiled at the words of her colleague.

"Did you like your new home?" Keith nodded to her and curiously asked.

"Yes, Senpai. It's beautiful." Iseul nodded her head and then took his backpack. "Your rides are in garage 107," She informed him.

He nodded to her and then glanced at Naomi, who was wearing a light smile.

"Don't want to come?"

"No, Prince." She shook her head.

"Alright." He did not say anything and then nodded to the blonde boy behind him, who had changed a lot in the last 2 and half years, gaining a very fit physique and a growth of a couple of inches in height, but he still retained the boyish charm of the former Heir of the Grayson Family.

Naomi stepped forward and grabbed her husband's backpack before following the two of them to the garage.

The early morning drizzle was beautiful and soothing, which made the walk to the garage quite pleasant.

"How did the meeting with the Chief go, Senpai?" Iseul curiously asked.

"All good." He briefly said, and the Korean girl smiled. "Well, congratulations on getting promoted again, Senpai!"

Keith laughed at her words and nodded his head before he placed his hand on the scanner, opening the door of garage 107.

Inside the garage, there were two Kawasaki Titans, the most prized superbikes in the world, and the first of the Morden Revolution. These were based on the Kawasaki Concept J that was unveiled back in 2010, but it took the company 20 years to finally make one, meeting all the requirements and more of the modern era.

Seeing that the wheels had a little dirt on them, Keith smiled at the two ladies.

"I see that you have already tested them for us?"

"Yes." Naomi smiled and nodded her head. "We took them out for a run before sunrise."

"You sure you don't need a vacation?" Julian chuckled. "Even Zor is out there in the Bahamas, enjoying his time."

"We will be fine." Naomi grinned at her brother and kissed him on the lips. "Take care."

"You too."

Both Keith and Julian ditched the helmets as they put on the augmented glasses, which displayed the Command Centre of the bikes.

The two Titans ghostly started, giving no sound, and then both Keith and Julian shot out of the garage with ridiculously fast acceleration.

They exited the Dragon Corps Headquarters from the second gate, and then took the freeway that led to the Eastern part of Sameran City, where the Sameran University was situated.

Though Julian never planned on returning to finish his degree, Keith convinced him to come back to Sameran City to see his family and talk things out with them.

Needless to say that Julian was very nervous about seeing his parents again but more than anything, he was terrified of seeing his eldest sister. But there was nothing he could do now.

Keith had the promise to keep to his wife, and Julian could not refuse the orders of his Team Leader.

"Senpai, should I enrol in the University as well?" Iseul suddenly spoke to him through the earpiece he was wearing.

"No. Go out on a vacation if you are that bored."

"No, thanks. I am sticking around you." She sweetly giggled. "The guy named Ye Tian is at the University right now. Lin Qingyue has arrived for the morning class as well."

"I see. Find me everything on his recent activities in Sameran and Delvon, Iris." It was the codename he had given to her, and it was not exactly a codename since it was her official name as well.

"Hai, Senpai!" She acknowledged the command and ended the call.

Keith picked up the speed, hitting over 380 km/h, and Julian was right next to him. Their speed scared a lot of drivers on the road and broke a lot of traffic laws, but despite the complaints made against them, the Traffic Police did not come to apprehend them.

How could they when their systems refused to lock on the Vehicle numbers of their bikes?

The Guards at the University Gate did not ask for their credentials once they saw that it was Keith. Which was quite convenient since they did not have the University IDs on them right now.

The familiar University streets brought a lot of fond memories to the two of them, and they deliberately slowed down as they rode towards Business and Finance School.

The moment they entered the parking lot, they caught the attention of everyone. And why would they not?

Two handsome young men riding the most prized superbikes in the world, and then the elegance and confidence oozing out of them was something that hooked the onlookers. And the moment Keith took off his Augmented Glasses and put them back inside the chamber built for it in the bike, a girl far away shrieked in excitement.

For a man as famous and ridiculously handsome as him, it was not a surprise that he was recognized right away, and to fuel things further, he even looked her way with a light smile, which sent butterflies in her belly and made her burn in a furious blush at her earlier show of enthusiasm.

Some people were already on their phones, sneakily taking pictures of him. But it was not something that bothered him in the least.

The Prince of Sameran was finally back in the city. It was news that was going to be the hottest topic for the coming few days.

There were still 25 minutes in the first class of the day, but before that Julian and Keith has to visit the Programme Coordinators' office to receive their new Ids.

Things had already been taken care of by the Government. And even without appearing in the assessment exams that were held back in February, the two were going to be allowed to attend the class and finish their studies together with their batch.

"Master!" A surprised but excited voice greeted Keith when he arrived outside his classroom.

"You seem in good health, Victor." He gently said and sighed when the muscle-head started tearing up. "Alright. No crying." He stepped forward and patted his shoulder before entering the classroom together with Julian.

As soon as they entered the classroom, they caught everyone's attention. And the moment a certain Chinese man laid his eyes on Keith, a voice that he had not heard in over three years sounded out in his mind.

{Ding! Good Morning, Host! The system has detected that you are in the immediate proximity of a Child of Destiny. Do you want the system to show you the information on this Child of Destiny?}

'You are late.' Keith simply said to the system in his mind, and then opened his arms for the girl who plunged into his embrace, hugging him with all her might, not caring about the eyes on them.

"Hey." He planted a kiss on her head and gently whispered, and her body, which had developed perfectly in his absence, trembled.

The moment her misty grey eyes looked up at him, they widened in surprise as he captured her lips, but then she closed them, reveling in bliss as she clumsily responded to him.

Keith felt the fluctuations in the Aura of a specific person, and he ignored the coming hand that was going to pull him away from Qingyue.

"Excuse me?" Julian dangerously narrowed his eyes as he grabbed Ye Tian's hand, and despite the struggle, the Chinese man had to give up on his instinctive action.

"Get away from her!" He eventually managed to shake off Julian, which surprised the blonde boy, and then he angrily called out before reaching for Keith's collar.

The moment his hand was about to catch Keith, Qingyue pulled her lover away and glared at favoured Child of Destiny.

"What are you doing?" She coldly asked.

Keith too feigned confusion as he looked at the flushed face of Ye Tian, who was burning in rage, and sneered in his heart when he listened to the series of System Prompts.

{Ding! The Host has disturbed the mental stability of Ye Tian and gave his heart an irreparable blow. Reward: 500 System Points. 50 Fate Points.}

{Ye Tian's hatred for Host has risen by 5% and stands at 90% right now. Reward: 900 System Points.}

"What are you doing?!" Ye Tian angrily shouted back at Qingyue, which caught her by surprise and made her frown. "You are my Fiancée and you dare to kiss another man! That too in front of me!"

{Ye Tian's hatred for the Heroine of Destiny, Lin Qingyue has risen by 25% and stands at 75% right now. Reward: 750 System Points. 25 Fate Points.}

His words shocked everyone who listened to them, and Keith suppressed his smile. He curiously looked at the man who was making a fool of himself, and honestly, he was very disappointed.

A muscular physique, borderline handsome, but there was nothing more about Ye Tian that would catch anyone's attention. And Keith questioned if this was the fool that Destiny had Chosen to destroy him and his family.

"I am not your Fiancée, Mr. Ye. Do not slander me or I will take legal action against you." Qingyue coldly said, loud enough for everyone to hear. "And I am not kissing anyone but my intended." She added, which aggravated the hatred in Ye Tian's heart for Qingyue.

However, Ye Tian did not look at Qingyue after he heard her words. It was not the first time she had told him this, but this was the first time he had been publicly humiliated by her words.

He coldly looked at Keith, and seeing the young man who was much taller than him, and ridiculously handsome as well, waves of envy crashed on his heart, but then he consoled himself by saying that Keith was nothing more than a dandy Young Master born with a golden spoon, and one day, he would trample him under his foot.

"Stay away from her." He threatened and Qingyue was about to shout at him when Keith grabbed her hand and gently squeezed it.

"I don't know who you are, but a wise man always observes his limits." He lightly smiled, and everyone who heard his words tensed up.

"And you are going to teach me what my limits are?" Ye Tian coldly sneered.

In his eyes, Keith was nothing more than an insect that he could squash with his strength. How could he allow his words to get to him?

"You are nothing more than a rich brat who was born with a golden spoon and whose confidence stems from family wealth and power. Which is not something to be proud of."

"I beg to differ." Keith smiled at him. "To me, it is something to take pride in." His words not only made Ye Tian frown but also the people who heard him. "My Family's wealth and power are testaments to my ancestors' tireless efforts and fulfilment of their responsibilities for their future generations. They were not those poor sods who are good for nothing and leave their children outside the orphanages to fend for themselves in this harsh world. And they were unlike those families who failed to stand tall against the tests of time. They were all smart, responsible, and hardworking people, who wanted to leave behind a legacy, and as their descendant, I am proud of everything that I have in my life thanks to them."

Everyone heard his words and though it made a few feel uncomfortable, they could not refute him. And all of them were rather impressed that Keith did not bother speaking about his own accomplishments.

Ye Tian felt the condescending looks that the class sent his way and felt even more humiliated. Keith's words had struck very close to the mark as he was an orphan who had been left outside the door of an orphanage by his parent.

Indeed, he had nothing to be proud of when it came to the blood that ran in his veins.

Seeing the smile on Qingyue's face after listening to Keith's words, Ye Tian promised himself in his heart that one day he would ravage this woman and then throw her away for the humiliation she had caused him today.

He had been bearing with her for months now, but now he had a clear mind about how he wanted to deal with her.

Keith narrowed his eyes at the coldness that flashed in Ye Tian's expression when he looked at Qingyue. And it was not something he liked.

{Ye Tian's hatred for the Heroine of Destiny, Lin Qingyue, has risen by 15% and stands at 90% right now. Reward: 900 System Points. 50 Fate Points.}

Ye Tian glanced at Keith one last time before he turned around to leave the classroom, but he came to a halt when he heard Keith call out to him.

"Kindly apologise to Qingyue before taking your leave, Mr. Ye."

"Make me." He flashed a contemptuous smirk at Keith. "A bitch who has no shame..."

Ye Tian's words were cut short as a fist caught him right in his stomach, and in an instant, his face turned blue from the sudden pain that assuted him.

His mind was blank as he could not understand what had just happened, and when he regained clarity, he found his face kissing the cold floor of the classroom.

Ye Tian tried to get up, but a foot landed on his back and pressed him back down, keeping him put in that humiliating state.

"Ahhh!!!" A rage-filled cry sounded out in the room, which scared everyone, but the foolish Ye Tian, despite all his struggle, failed to get up. And then fear whispered in his heart as he found his Aura suppressed.

Keith pressed some more weight behind his foot, so much that Ye Tian felt that his ribcage would break, and against his will, tears burst out of his eyes in rage, humiliation, pain, and helplessness.

"Apologise, Mr. Ye." Keith devilishly spoke, but Ye Tian gritted his teeth and refused to apologise, and then passed out from all the mental trauma that his mind could not deal with right now and the exhaustion that swept his body.

"Pathetic." Keith contemptuously said. "Victor!"

"Yes, Master!" The musclehead hurriedly entered the room and surprisedly looked at the man who was lying on the floor.

It was the same man who had been pestering Qingyue for the last few months, and Victor had to do his best to keep this man away.

"Throw him in a dumpster." Keith took off his foot and ordered, and the muscle-head seemed surprised by his words before he smirked and gladly picked up the fallen man with his hand, taking him outside like he was a trash bag.

{Ding! The Host has shaken the mental stability of Ye Tian, inducing humiliation and fear, giving his mind an irreparable blow. Reward: 5000 System Points. 100 Fate Points.}

"My apologies, everyone." Keith harmlessly smiled at his classmates, who were still shocked by everything that they had just witnessed. "Let's go." And then he grabbed Qingyue's hand and led her outside the School.

Qingyue curiously looked at him, and her heart was filled with immense warmth. She knew that Keith was not as impulsive as he had been back in the classroom. And the reason why he had lost his composure was that Ye Tian had slandered her.

"Since when do you like bikes?" She hugged him from behind and asked when he rode off with her.

"Been a while." He lightly said.