
All the people in the dormitory have gone to class, but Chen Mo has not, because he has already understood all the major courses, and going to the classroom is not very useful.

After taking a shower, Chen Mo walked to the counselor's office.

The counselor and class teacher is a female teacher named Li Hong. She is medium-looking. She is not too pretty, but she is not in the category of ugliness. The best thing is that she has a mild personality.

Knocking on the door and entering the office, Chen Mo sat down across from her.

"Chen Mo, is your body okay?" Li Hong asked, "Isn't it time for class? Why are you here?"

"Teacher, I want to apply for exemption, and apply for a pass for spending the night outside." Chen Mo said.

"Are you going to take the postgraduate entrance exam?"

"No, Postgraduate Research." Chen Mo shook his head: "I have learned all the major courses this semester, and staying in class is not very useful."

"If you don't take the postgraduate entrance exam, you can't avoid listening in class. The internship will start in the second semester." Li Hong said: "You don't want to have a girlfriend and don't want to go to class? When you were in a coma, I went to the hospital and your girlfriend was pretty good taking a few days off to take care of you, or I would have informed your parents."

Chen Mo smiled bitterly: "This has nothing to do with my girlfriend, besides, she was not my girlfriend at the time."

"So she is now?"

"That's not the point, teacher." Chen Mo can't help: "The point is that I want to apply for exemption and overnight stay."

"Reason?" Li Hong said: "The school is very strict about the style of study. If you apply casually, then other students will follow the same pattern. This is not good."

"I am going to start a business."

Mr. Chen can only cite one reason.

"Entrepreneurship?" Li Hong looked at Chen Mo hesitantly. These years, under the guise of entrepreneurship, there are quite a few students who do not attend classes.

"What are you going to do?"

"Internet software development." Chen Mo said: "I'm getting ready, I've finished my major, and I'm learning to do software development, I'm pretty busy and don't have time for classes."

"The college praised you for saving people in the library. You are fine."Li Hong said: "Teacher will believe you once, go back and write the application and handed it in."

After leaving the counselor's office, Chen Mo went directly to print out two application forms, wrote down the application, asked the teacher to sign, and handed it to Li Hong.

With the night out pass and listening exemption activities completed, Chen Mo took his computer with him and went to the library, grabbed more than a dozen books on computer programming, software engineering, and hacking techniques, and absorbed himself in reading.

He now has only one purpose, to read 100 books get the next technology, and make money.

It makes sense to have money.

As time went by, nearly ten days have passed, and he has been reading computer programming books every day, and he has more and more computer knowledge in his mind. Computer technology, from a layman to a proficient master.

The reward of long struggle is not just computer technology. The goal of completing 100 science and engineering books is also getting closer and closer.

During this time, in order to adapt to his strength, fitness exercise has become an indispensable thing for him. For the rest of the time, he is accompanying Xiaoyu to the library. In addition to reading, he is practicing computer software programming.

In the self-study area of the library, Chen Mo buried his head and flipped through the books quickly.

Countless words flashed in his mind, and it didn't take long for Chen Mo to close the book in his hand, showing a knowing smile.

It's a success! 100 books.

Chen Mo wants to enter the Science and Technology Library to choose technology, but right now, it is a bit inconvenient here. Then turned to look at Xiao Yu next to him: "Little fish, let's rest early today and come back tomorrow."


Xiaoyu smiled and nodded, without asking much, and picked up the book and followed Chen Mo away.

Back to the dormitory area, bidding farewell to Chen Mo, Xiao Yucai hurried back to the dormitory with a brisk pace. As soon as she walked in, she was targeted by a few roommates.

The news of her love has spread in the dormitory. For the past ten days, Chen Mo took her by the hand and sent her back to the dormitory. It couldn't be hidden from a few gossiping roommates.

"Xiao Yu, back so early, were you not accompanying your boyfriend?" Li Ruoxi showed a gossip smile.

"He has something to do, so he sent me back first." Xiao Yu said.

"Your boyfriend risked his life to save you, is well-mannered and motivated, and meets the best mate-selection criteria."The bespectacled Wang Xiaolan looked at her body in the full-length mirror and said: "Why am I not so lucky?"

"You take off those old-fashioned glasses, change to cooler glasses, change your clothes, put on makeup, and get a haircut. I promise that it won't take a few days and you will have all the bees and butterflies around you." Li Ruoxi said jokingly.

"All I care about is, was the best cabbage in our family eaten?"Zhou Tongtong, who was wearing a nightdress, eating snacks, and watching the drama, looked at Xiao Yu, and her eyes flashed with gossip.

The other two women also looked at Xiao Yu, waiting for her answer.


Xiao Yu's face was red, and she walked back to her seat to turned on the computer. A few careless roommates made her a little bit overwhelmed.

"You little girls." Li Ruoxuan said: "Why are you asking this?"

Li Ruoxi grabbed the USB flash drive, climbed off the bed, and ran to Xiao Yu's back and hugged her. Li Ruoxi's behavior gave her a bad feeling.

"Xiao Yu, you will definitely do happy things in the future, right?" Li Ruoxi smirked: "I have collected an action movie on the USB flash drive. that will open your eyes so you can learn some skills first."


When Li Ruoxuan's words came out, the three women almost vomited blood and died.

"Li Ruoxi, you rascal girl, don't teach Xiao Yu." Zhou Tongtong immediately paused the TV series and ran behind Xiao Yu to catch her: "Let her go and let me come."

"It's everyone's duty to teach Xiao Yu."Wang Xiaolan put on her pajamas and ran behind Xiao Yu.

"Don't... don't."

Xiao Yu was held in the arms of Zhou Wei and Wang Xiaolan, and the computer was controlled by Li Ruoxi.

"It's being copied, it will be there soon."

"Is there a virus?"Wang Xiaolan asked.

"Impossible." Li Ruoxi said: "This is my USB flash drive. I only put in the action movie after I watched it once, Xiao Yu, don't worry, your sister will show you something good."

"Don't you want to look at it?"

Thinking of what might happen next, Xiao Yu face turned red like blood. This group of friends is a bit pitted, but she can't escape from their claws.

"Everyone is an adult, learn these skills and make sure you are happy in the future." Li Ruoxuan said meaningfully.

"Can you learn later?"

Xiao Yu wanted to break free but was trapped by the two women, so she could only sit on her seat obediently.

"Sooner or later, it's the same. It just happens to have time today. I didn't ask you to give it to him now. You have to be careful and consider it. It's best to give it to him after getting married." Li Ruoxi smiled evilly: "Your computer is a bit slow, it's almost completed."

One minute later, the copy was completed, and Li Ruoxi directly clicked on the video to play.

"It's getting started, you two catch Xiao Yu, don't let her run away, bring her the headphones."

"Don't let it go."

Xiao Yu blushed almost to the point of bleeding.

"What is this FBI? It's all in English, is it a virus?"

Zhou Tongtong blinked her eyes dumbly.

"It should be the movie description! I'll fast forward, little cat, don't worry." Li Ruoxi smiled, grabbed the mouse, and clicked.



As soon as the sound fell, there was dead silence in the dormitory.

Li Ruoxi looked at the computer screen for a while, and Wang Xiaolan and Zhou Tongtong also looked incredible.

The headphones were not moving, and the three of them did not speak. Xiao Yu's closed eyes slowly opened, and she stared blankly when she saw the computer screen.

"Is this a virus?"