Owe her something?

It was already evening after the two had finished their meal.

After coming out of the restaurant and saying goodbye to Chen Mo, Zhao Min dialed a number.

After the conversation, Chen Mo felt good to her, not like a pompous young man. If what Chen Mo said about the mobile phone system is true, then the next thing will become interesting.

"Ms. Zhao, looking for me so late? It's rare." As soon as the phone was connected, there was a female voice full of ridicule.

"Female engineer, if I ask you a little technical question, I don't think you will refuse. "Zhao Min said, "Also, don't call me Ms. Zhao, I have resigned now and am alone." "

"Are you looking for me to discuss technical issues? It's really strange, then I'll go to your house to sleep with you tonight, it just happens that I'm bored at home alone."

"Okay, I'm going back now."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Min drove away and drove all the way to a villa complex in Binhai City. The night had fallen.

After parking the car, Zhao Min walked to the gate of the villa.

"Sister, are you in such a hurry to find me? What technical questions do you want to ask me, bed technology? I can teach you one hundred and eight poses and let you say goodbye to the title of Great Sage. "

As soon as she walked into the villa, a beautiful woman sitting on the sofa playing games glanced at Zhao Min and teased her.


Zhao Min rolled her eyes, took off her shoes, and lay comfortably on the sofa: "I met a handsome guy and invited him to dinner."

"Hey, something is going on."

"What's going on? He helped me last time. I happened to meet him today and we had a chat."

"Then you guys are really destined. The next step is to exchange contact information, then go on a date to watch a movie, then hug, kiss, and finally roll the sheets. You still have to do it. The essence is the same. Do you want me to teach you one hundred and eight poses in advance? It's definitely useful to conquer men."

"Go away, I'm asking you to help me see how this phone is different."

Zhao Min almost laughed angrily took out Chen Mo's mobile phone and threw it to her. She was also helpless about this cousin's imagination.

"Sister, your mobile phone is a bit strange. The operating system is not Huawei's, is it a copycat?" "The beautiful woman picked up the mobile phone and looked through it, frowned, and continued to look through it.

"That handsome guy gave it to me. He said he developed a mobile phone system. I didn't believe it, so he made a bet with me." Zhao Min collapsed on the sofa, not wanting to move.

"Is the technology of picking up girls so advanced now? Develop a mobile phone system? Bullshit, right?

"I don't believe it either, so let you take a look at it for me."

"I'm a little curious about what the bet is? It wouldn't be based on the body, right?"

"Fuck, Wang Sijia, is your head filled with such things?" Zhao Min said angrily.

Wang Sijia joked but moved her fingers on the phone a few times. With the sliding of the fingers, the beauty's playful smile disappeared, and her expression became more serious.

"Wang Sijia? Are you all right."

Perceiving Wang Sijia's strangeness, Zhao Min shook her hand in front of her eyes.

"Sister." Wang Sijia put away the phone and blinked at Zhao Min: "Is that handsome guy single now?"

"Wang Sijia, are you sick? I asked you to look at the phone system, not to find a man for me." Zhao Min sat up, touching her forehead, and picked up the water glass next to her.

"It's not for you, it's for me."

"Puff...cough cough..."

Zhao Min had just drank the water in her mouth and sprayed it all on Wang Sijia's face, patted her chest, and coughed desperately. After coughing for a while, she calmed down and stared at her.

"Are you afraid I'm not going to die that fast?"

"Seriously, is he single?"

"You are really sick, no."

"Sister, are you so fast? You only met him for the first time." Wang Sijia jumped up and pointed at Zhao Min.

"Get out, he has a girlfriend. I came here to show you the mobile phone system, why are you talking about this? "Zhao Min was so angry that she almost vomited blood. After speaking, she found that something was wrong with Wang Sijia: "Wang Sijia, why do you look like an old man? Abandoned."

"Sister, another good man is gone."

"What do you mean? Is this mobile phone system real? " Zhao Min pointed to the mobile phone in Wang Sijia's hand, the more she thought about it, the more she realized it was possible.

"This system is called Army ant, which means Marching ant. It should be called the Marching Ant system. This is a new system, and the user interface is different from Android, Apple, and Huawei. Sister, you said that I am a beauty, can I make him abandon his girlfriend and fall in love with me? "

"You want to catch rich and handsome men all day long." Zhao Min grabbed the phone from Wang Sijia and ignored her question: "You didn't lie to me? Is it really a new system?"

"It's a new system." Wang Sijia nodded: "The APPs on the phone are Android. I don't know if it is based on Linux. The programming language should be JAVA, so it can be compatible with the Android APPs. Let me give it a run."

Wang Sijia grabbed Zhao Min's mobile phone again and pulled out the data cable from Zhao Min's bag to connect to the computer. After turning on the computer, Wang Sijia clicked her finger on the mouse a few times and looked at the computer screen carefully.

It didn't take long for Wang Sijia to open her mouth wide, with incredible expressions in her eyes.

"Wang Sijia? Are you okay?"

"Sister, I want to marry him." Wang Sijia screamed out.


Zhao Min covered her face, not knowing what to say, the only thought was that this girl was crazy, but she was used to it.

"Sister, its running score is more than 300,000 points. The latest Apple S is equipped with the latest IOS and has a unique bionic chip. Its running score is only 250,000 points. Do you know what this concept is?"

"What concept?"

"This mobile phone uses the smart chip, the system is based on Android system, but the overall performance of Android is so much lower than Apple S. But the performance the this Marching Ant system is stronger than Apple S, which means that this system is better than Apple's system. If this system is made public, I believe it will definitely become Android and Apple's biggest rival."

Wang Sijia became more and more excited as she talked as if this mobile phone system belonged to her. Finally, Wang Sijia thought of something, and she sat down on the sofa dejectedly.

"Such a good man is not mine what am I happy for?"

"You are hopeless."

Zhao Min grabbed the mobile phone in Wang Sijia's hand and sat on the sofa speechlessly. She also began to worry because she had made a bet with Chen Mo.

"You're going to check for me again. It's not true."Zhao Min said with disbelief.


The next day, Chen Mo got up early, after brushing his teeth and washing his face, he carried a computer bag and drove towards the school on his bicycle. Not long after he went out, his phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, Chen Mo raised his eyebrows. It's Zhao Min the woman who he ate with yesterday.

"Are you free? "

As soon as it was connected, Zhao Min's magnetic voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes. "

"Meet in the old place. "

"Okay. "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Mo turned around and left.

At the restaurant where he had dinner yesterday, Zhao Min was sitting quietly drinking coffee until Chen Mo sat down opposite her before retracting her gaze from the outside and placing it on Chen Mo.

"How is it? Did you get a professional to check the phone?" Chen Mo asked.

"Look." Zhao Min took out the phone and handed it back to Chen Mo: "It's fake."

"All right."

Chen Mo shrugged and took Zhao Min's phone: "Just treat it as a joke. "

After speaking, he turned and left. He did not forcibly explain, because there was no need for this. Zhao Min didn't believe it, and it was useless to force an explanation.

"Wait, you seem to owe me something and haven't given it to me yet. "As soon as he turned around, Zhao Min's voice sounded again.

Chen Mo paused, turned around, and thought for a while. He didn't seem to owe Zhao Min anything. The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere solidified.