Open Source?

In the hands of Zhao Min, the company has slowly entered the right track. After taking over the company from Chen Mo, she began to gather some previously capable employees.

With the addition of some newly recruited employees, in just ten days, they can barely maintain the company's operations.

Zhao Min sat in the office and carefully looked at the documents in her hands. Opposite her, there was a woman with a good-looking face and a professional formal attire.

"Xiaoli, please inform Director Li that at the job fairs of major colleges and universities, there will be more people recruited, but they must strictly follow the company's employment standards."

Zhao Min handed the documents in her hand back to the female white-collar worker: "Also, the company's staff is still relatively tight now, so you can temporarily go to the administrative system to help. "

"Okay, President. "Xiao Li took the documents and left the office.

It wasn't until Xiaoli left that Zhao Min rubbed her eyebrows, picked up the teacup next to her, and took a sip.

The company has just started, and there are a lot of troublesome things to deal with now.

Chen Mo, the chairman of the board, didn't care about anything at all and left everything to her to handle.

Zhao Min is happy. She works a lot now, but now that she has the final say on company affairs, her hands and feet are not tied.

Knock knock knock!

Not long after, there was a knock on the door, and Chen Mo walked into the office with a document and a backpack on his back.

"It's rare to see you, Chairman. "

Seeing Chen Mo, Zhao Min's eyes flashed with surprise.

When the company leased an office address, Chen Mo came here once. In the past few days, Chen Mo hadn't shown his face. Both of them communicated using mobile phones. Unexpectedly, Chen Mo actually came here in person today.

"Is the company busy? "

As soon as Chen Mo came in, he put the documents and materials in his hand in front of Zhao Min.

"Nonsense, at the beginning, the company didn't have enough manpower, data center, servers, and recruiters, do you think everyone is as idle as you? Now I am preparing to go to major universities to recruit fresh graduates. "Zhao Min took the information handed over by Chen Mo and looked through it a few times.

"Heaven and earth can be my witness, I'm not idle, I'm working on a second product. "Chen Mo said.

As soon as Chen Mo's words fell, Zhao Min immediately raised her spirits.

"When will it be completed? The mobile phone system is temporarily impossible to release. The company is not large enough, and the talent is seriously insufficient. If released, it is easy to be targeted. If there are other products, you can release them first, and wait for the company to gain a foothold. As soon as the mobile phone system comes out, it will skyrocket."

"Same as I thought, so I'm rushing to work these days to write the second product."

"What is the second product? "Zhao Min asked.

"An office software. "Chen Mo put a USB flash drive in front of Zhao Min: "It's all done. The function is similar to that of WPS and MS Office. There is an additional simple image processing function, and the data is all in it." "

During this time, Chen Mo avoided typing the code of the office software every day and designed the interface. Fortunately, he just copied it, otherwise, it would be a bit troublesome to let him design all the interfaces by himself.

"Really? "Zhao Min asked with some disbelief.

"This is my company, do you have money to cheat you? "

Chen Mo laughed at Zhao Min's reaction, inserted the USB flash drive into Zhao Min's office computer, and directly occupied her position.

It didn't take long for a software to appear on the desktop, and the icon was a cartoon ant.

"Ant Office? "

Zhao Min glanced at the icon, her eyes lit up, and he clicked on the software.

The office software is similar to WPS, but it is only similar in interface and has more functions than WPS. PDF and other format conversions are available. There is also an additional image processing function, which is quite a simplified version of PS, and it has a little more function than Meitu. This function makes people's eyes shine.

The layout of the interface is very comfortable to look at, and it is very easy for people who have used WPS or MS Office to get started.

"You made this? "Zhao Min pointed to the computer and said.

"Yeah, praise me. "


Zhao Min opened the drawer and flipped through it for a while, and Chen Mo blinked when he saw it: "What are you doing? "

"Look for scissors. "

"Why are you looking for scissors? "

"Praise you. "

Chen Mo was so scared that his hair stood up: "Calm down! You don't have to praise, you don't need to be so excited, right?"

"This thing was really developed by you? "Zhao Min still didn't believe it.

"Don't be surprised, there will definitely be more than these products in the future. "Chen Mo said.

"Let's get down to business, and now I will report to you about the company's work and expenses. "Zhao Min also sat down on the sofa in the office.

"No, I believe you." Chen Mo said, "You have the final say about the company."

"These words are really moving. You are not afraid that your girlfriend will know that her boyfriend said such words to another woman?" Zhao Min said with a smile.

"She knows it's okay. I am here this time, not to listen to your report on your work, but to send you products. "

Chen Mo pointed to the USB flash drive on the table.

"This office software is already mature. There are two versions for PC and mobile. The key is to see how you promote it. Just take advantage of this time to stabilize the company and pave the way for the release of the mobile phone system. "

"Regarding the Marching Ant system, I have entrusted an agency to apply for an international patent. Do you choose to authorize, enter the mobile phone market, or open source? "

"Not open source. "Chen Mo said.

The Google company opened up the source code of the Android system, and because of the existence of the open source agreement, it is now losing control of the Android system. Domestic mobile phone manufacturers have been continuously optimizing based on Android, and Google company has named and criticized third-party customized systems such as Rice systems, which are endangering the Android ecosystem.

Seeing that Apple has made a lot of money because of the Apple system, the Google company's updated Android system is gradually tightening its control over the Android system.

The latest updated Android version has integrated the fragmented system and carried out strict modularity. They want to gradually take back control of the Android system.

If the Marching ant system is also open source, with the unique architecture of the Marching Ant system, it will definitely attract the interest of developers. It is even possible to develop a computer operating system based on the marching ant system.

Once the Marching Ant ecology spreads out, even if it defeats Android, it will definitely be troublesome to take it back in the future. So Chen Mo never thought about open source.

"Then enter the mobile phone market. "Zhao Min said: "Our mobile phone system is better than the Apple system. It has certain advantages in entering the mobile phone market with high configuration and low price." "

"Yes. "Chen Mo thought for a while and said, "Leave the design of the mobile phone to me." "

"Can you do it? "Zhao Min looked at Chen Mo incredulously.

"Can a man say no? "

"This is really hard to say, after all, you are a little brother. "Zhao Min said playfully.

Chen Mo's head was full of black lines, and he was sure that Zhao Min definitely did it on purpose.

"Since you said you can do it, I'll leave it to you about mobile phone design. I want to recruit people. The company is still too small and there are not many talents. "Without waiting for Chen Mo to speak, Zhao Min said.

As Zhao Min was busy with the company's affairs, Chen Mo went back to school alone.

He was very relieved of Zhao Min. Since Zhao Min is willing to help him manage the company, he will naturally trust Zhao Min 100%.

Back to the library.

Xiaoyu was already sitting in the library, and now it was not long before the accountant exam, Xiao Yu would come here whenever she had time every day.

After strolling on the bookshelf for a while, Chen Mo sat down beside Xiao Yu holding a pile of books on telecommunications.

After Chen Mo sat down, Xiaoyu raised her head and smiled sweetly at him.

"Come with your boyfriend. "Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Sorry, I have to prepare for the accountant title exam during this time, and I don't have much time to accompany you. "Xiaoyu looked at Chen Mo's eyes, apologetic.

"I'm sorry, it's better to do something practical. "Chen Mo said in her ear.

"Sit down, this is the library." Xiao Yu blushed and couldn't laugh or cry: "After this, I will give you a surprise."

"Really? What surprise? "

"You'll know when the time comes." Xiao Yu glanced at the book on Chen Mo's desk: "You were still reading a physics book last time, why are you reading telecommunications now?"

"I'll fix your computer after I have learned it well. "

As soon as he mentioned repairing the computer, Xiaoyu laughed softly. The virus in the computer last time caused such a big scene, it's funny to think about it now.

After chatting in a low voice, Chen Mo set his sights on the book. Xiaoyu stared at Chen Mo's focused side face, her eyes became gentle.