Looks familiar?

Chen Mo's life returned to peace, but the marching ant company was busy.

After getting the office software, Zhao Min gave the order to get the promotion and planning of the office software out as quickly as possible.

The company's 50 million capital is a bit stretched when it is about to enter the mobile phone industry, and now it must use office software to make money.

Following Zhao Min's instructions one by one, the small nest of marching ants that had just been formed was quickly operating.

Julie walked into Zhao Min's office with a planning copy.

When the company was established, she was called by Zhao Min to help, knowing her roots and bottom line, Zhao Min also trusted her very much and directly put her in charge of the management of the market system.

Office software is their first product promotion in the company. Everyone has raised their spirits and dare not neglect it.

After receiving Zhao Min's order, the marketing department immediately started advertising planning and determined the plan as quickly as possible. Until today, the advertisement was finally put out.

"How is the data? "Zhao Min asked.

"According to the back-end data, as of the time I came to report, the download of the free version of the software has exceeded 10,000, and there are more than 300 registered paid users."

"Well, a good start. "Zhao Min nodded

The current Marching Ant Company has just been established. It is just a small Ant with no fame at all.

The office software that has just been launched has been able to exceed 10,000 users in such a short period of time, which is already a very remarkable achievement.

This time the office software is Chen Mo's masterpieces. Four versions were launched, Home Edition, Small Business Edition, Professional Edition, and Free Edition.

The free version can only use the most basic word documents, EXCEL and PPT presentations, as well as unique image processing functions.

In terms of software prices, it is less than half that of MS Office.

The purpose of launching office software is to increase the company's popularity; the second is to use low prices to enter the market and give users a good impression, and the third is naturally to make money.

Office software, the main market is in the offices of major companies. As long as they can eat this meat, Ant Office will bring them continuous income.

The functions of Ant office are better than MS Office and WPS. It integrates office and Meitu functions in one. It has unique and powerful functions and does not occupy much memory.

Zhao Min believes that it will not be long before there will be a steady stream of users entering.

"The mobile side is also being released, allowing people to promote it to major companies. "

"Okay, Ms. Zhao. "

Julie agreed and left the office.

After Julie left, Zhao Min picked up her mobile phone and dialed Chen Mo's number. This chairman of the board has always been Shenlong who sees his head and doesn't see his tail, which makes her very helpless, and she can only use her mobile phone to contact her every time.

"Chairman, the office software has been promoted. The market response is good. This is a good start. "

"That's great. "In the shop, Chen Mo stopped the circuit design in his hand.

"Do you want to come to the company?" Zhao Min asked.

"I'll go next time, I'm afraid I won't be free today. I will send you the information on the exterior design and interface design of the mobile phone later. You can ask someone to make samples and apply for patents. "

"So fast? "Zhao Min's tone was full of surprise: "Well, you can do it first." As far as mobile phone spare parts distributors are concerned, I have already contacted them. I still have some contacts from my previous work. Everything is going well. Don't worry. "


After hanging up the phone, Chen Mo looked at the time, saved the files of the motherboard circuit design, and closed the shop.

"Young man? Is it closed so soon? Are you out of business? "asked the aunt of the grocery store next door when Chen Mo just walked out.

"Go out for a bit. "Chen Mo said with a smile.

Today is Xiaoyu's accountant examination, and he also took the opportunity to take a break.

The accountant's examination is conducted at the Accounting Practitioner Examination Service Center, not far from Binhai University, and it takes 15 minutes by bicycle.

As soon as he arrived nearby, Chen Mo saw people coming out of the door one after another. Not long after, Xiaoyu appeared in the crowd and ran towards him. Looking at her appearance, he was in a good mood.

Taking Xiao Uu, in the envious eyes of those around him, he left straight away.

After eating the buffet, the two went to the aquarium and then went shopping and watching movies.

This was the most extravagant day. Both of them knew that this kind of opportunity was rare, so they both let go of their minds and tried their best to play. They went to all the places where the couple should go.

That night, the two of them stood beside the seawall snuggling up, quietly watching the sea fall into the dark night.

At this time, Chen Mo's expression was extremely relaxed. During this period, he had been reading and studying every day, and he had been squeezed too much. When he was with Xiao Yu, the tension in his head disappeared completely.

Looking at Xiaoyu's smile, Chen Mo felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart. Looking back on meeting Xiao Yu and falling in love, all this feels like a dream.

Suddenly, Chen Mo raised his eyebrows and remembered something. He let Xiao Yu snuggle, secretly took out his mobile phone, and glanced, his eyes became weird.

"It would be great if it went on like this. "

"Yes, I think so too. "Chen Mo laughed softly.

"It's you guys? "

A voice appeared, interrupting the two of them. As soon as Chen Mo and Xiao Yu turned their heads, they saw Liang Zhihang holding the camera and looking at them with surprise.

"It's you. "

"Yes, it's me. "

Liang Zhihang hurriedly shook hands with Chen Mo.

"It's a coincidence that your group of photos submitted last time have been shortlisted. This is the first time I have been shortlisted for the national photography competition. I washed out that photo. This is my best work in so many years. It just happened to be brought here. I'll give you one for me."

Liang Zhihang took out a photo album from his backpack, took out a photo from the photo album, and handed it to the two of them.

"Thank you." Chen Mo took the photo from Liang Zhihang and nodded in thanks.

"You're welcome, I should thank you. I happened to run into you, I didn't mean to disturb you, please contact me and see you later.

After speaking, Liang Zhihang said goodbye with a smile and turned to leave.

"Put it in your bag. This photo should be treasured. "Chen Mo handed the photo to Xiao Yu.

Seeing the scene where the two kissing was frozen in the photo, Xiao Yu's cheeks blushed slightly. Although this kind of photo is also on the desktop of her mobile phone, she is still a little shy when she thinks of her mood at the time.

Xiaoyu, who had just put the photo away, felt something was wrong. As soon as he looked up, he saw Chen Mo staring at her with a bad smile.


After struggling slightly, Xiaoyu accepted her fate and fell limp in Chen Mo's arms.

After a minute, Chen Mo let go.

"Are you satisfied? Just know to bully me. "

Xiao Yu panted heavily and lay shyly in Chen Mo's arms. When the two were kissing just now, someone else walked by, and now she was ashamed thinking about it.

This scene seems to be similar?

Suddenly thinking of something, Xiao Yu blinked at Chen Mo, and hurriedly took out her mobile phone from her bag.

Seeing the time displayed on the phone, Xiao Yu's face collapsed. Like last time, only five minutes are remaining before the dormitory closes, and it is too late to rush back.

Chen Mo laughed happily, took Xiao Yu's hand, and walked back to the night market.

"Where are we going? "

"To buy clothes. "

"Why are you buying clothes? "

"You can't go back anymore. You haven't taken a bath yet, so buy your clothes and go back and change them."

"So you deliberately didn't tell me the time. "

The two voices gradually drifted away.