
The function of the "Butterfly Eye" mobile phone is similar to that of current mobile phones, but there are still many functions that are not available now. There are still some functions that are very expensive to implement.

Chen Mo has the complete hardware design of the Butterfly Eye mobile phone in his mind. He only needs to make some simple modifications and copy all other commonly used functions.

The circuit design of the motherboard is simpler than that of current mobile phones. This circuit design consumes less energy than existing mobile phones.

It didn't take long before Chen Mo was interrupted by the ringtone of his mobile phone. He looked at the caller ID and connected directly.

"Chairman! "

Zhao Min is looking at the appearance design and interface design of the mobile phone sent to her by Chen Mo. She liked the appearance design of the mobile phone at a glance.

With such a delicate exterior design, it makes people feel like it is shining in front of their eyes.

There is also the interface design, the waterproof structure of the mobile phone. The design structure is exquisite and unique. The person who designed this structure is nothing short of a genius.

"Well, have you received the exterior design and interface design I sent to you? "Chen Mo asked.

"I got it, I'm looking at it. It has a very good appearance, and the design of the charging and headphone jack is very unique. Did you designing these?" Zhao Min asked.

"Yes. "

Chen Mo can't say that he took it from the Science and Technology Library, otherwise others must think he was insane.

"Do you have two heads? "

"I also think that my brain is really not enough now, and I can't wait to have three heads and six arms. "

"Next time you have such important information, don't send an email. You can notify me and I will send someone to pick it up. In case it is leaked, it will be a bit troublesome. "As Zhao Min said, she picked up the USB flash drive at hand and downloaded the information.

"Eh? Ok. "Chen Mo said.

"Now I'm talking about the waterproof function of mobile phones. Normally in such phones, there is no interface, and charging and listening to music becomes very troublesome. Your design of these two interfaces just solves this problem. I admire your head a bit. Why can't I think of this structure. . "Zhao Min said.

The structural design of the two waterproof interfaces is patented. Even if you don't sell mobile phones and authorize them to mobile phone manufacturers in the future, you can get a considerable patent fee every year.

"This structure is called Butterfly Eye. "

"It's a nice name. "Zhao Min said, "If you have time, come to the company." The response to office software has been good. There are currently more than 3,000 paid users and 70,000 users in the free version, and the data is still rising. "

"That's not bad. "

"In a few days, the company will send someone to your school's job fair. I am letting you know in advance. "

After reporting everything about the company to Chen Mo, Zhao Min hung up the phone, took off the USB flash drive, and deleted the email.

This kind of important information cannot be left in the mailbox. If it is hacked by hackers one day, it will be troublesome.

After getting the USB flash drive, Zhao Min printed out all the information.

"Ms. Zhao, this lady said she was looking for you. "Not long after Zhao Min just printed the information back, assistant Xiaoli walked in with a person.

Wang Sijia was carrying a computer bag and wearing casual clothing at this time. As soon as she walked into the office, she started to look around. After seeing Zhao Min, Wang Sijia smiled.

"Xiao Li, you go out first and ask Minister Luo to come and find me in ten minutes. "Zhao Min said.

It wasn't until assistant Xiaoli left that Wang Sijia sat down on the sofa and dropped her backpack: "Sister, your office is a bit small."

"The company has just started, do you want me to build a building as the headquarters? I called you here this time to ask you if you want to join the company. Now the company lacks the talent to lead the team. "Zhao Min said.

"So you tricked me into resigning with this kind of idea?"

Wang Sijia looked at Zhao Min in surprise. During this time, Zhao Min asked her to resign and take a break. Unexpectedly, this cousin actually wanted to dig a hole in the wall.

"Going to work in other companies is also a job. If you come here, you won't be treated badly. The head of the technical research department is responsible for the Marching Ant system. The salary is lower now, but in the future, I promise you will be a rich woman. "

Zhao Minxun is very suggestive, Wang Sijia is a female engineer she coveted for a long time. She was no longer a part of a technology company, and this girl was out of touch, she never had a chance, and this time she swindled her into quitting to have one.

"You are not lying to me? "Wang Scarlett asked suspiciously.

"You are my cousin, do I need to lie to you? I need someone I can trust to be in charge of an important position. The current house has a foundation, and frame, but lacks the main load-bearing pillars. Otherwise, when the mobile phone system is released and something goes wrong, it will collapse. "

"Then why did you choose me? "

"You are a technical professional, and someone I trust." Zhao Min said.

Now that the company is just starting, there are a lot of important things. The important positions must be guarded by trustworthy people. In this way even if there is a problem, it will not be major, otherwise, she will not be able to explain to Chen Mo.

"I will reluctantly agree, but I want to meet the handsome chairman you mentioned. After all, I have always wanted to meet the person who independently designed the mobile phone system. "

"Next time I have a chance, I will introduce him to you. "

"Chief Zhao, you said my charm could make him like me."

"Go away. "Zhao Min directly laughed at by Wang Sijia.

During the chat between the two, a man with glasses knocked on the door and walked in.

He is Lao Luo, who is already in his forties. Because he is relatively old and kind, many people in the company call him Lao Luo.

Lao Luo was also one of the first people called over by Zhao Min. Although he was a little older, he was capable and reliable, so Zhao Min asked him to be responsible for the management of the R&D system.

"Ms. Zhao, what's the matter? "

"Let me introduce you. This is Wang Sijia, a former senior engineer at Xunfei Company. In the future, she will be your deputy, responsible for the part of the Marching Ant system. "

After the two greeted each other, Zhao Min spoke again.

"You two have a look at this information, go back and get the sample out, don't leak it out."

Zhao Min handed over the information that had just been printed to the two of them.

"Ms. Zhao, which company designed this mobile phone? "

As soon as she saw the design drawings of the appearance of the Butterfly Eye mobile phone, Wang Sijia's eyes lit up. She liked such a beautiful appearance at first glance.

"Ms. Zhao, who designed this charger interface? "Lao Luo, who is next to her, also had bright eyes.

"It is the mobile phone that the company will prepare to produce next, which is strictly confidential. That is the exterior design of the mobile phone, the headphone jack, and the charging jack are all designed by the chairman. Before the mobile phone comes out, this information will never be allowed to be leaked to the outside world. "

"Understood. "Lao Luo nodded.

All he knows is the Marching Ant system. Now, coupled with the design of this mobile phone, if the product comes out, it will definitely be able to soar into the sky.

"Ms. Zhao, I can't wait to meet the chairman. "Wang Scarlett's eyes lit up, completely as if she was a fangirl.

She once thought that she was already a genius when she became a senior engineer at a young age. But in front of the mysterious chairman who she had never seen, it was not much.

Seeing that Wang Sijia looked like an idiot, Zhao Min was helpless and even the old Luo beside her twitched his mouth. But old Luo said his heart, the chairman, he also wanted to see him.

"Lao Luo, you take Wang Sijia to the Personnel Department to register. I will give her her employment contract later."

"Ok. "

After getting the information, Lao Luo took Wang Sijia and left Zhao Min's office.

After the two of them left, Zhao Min rubbed her temples, turned her head to look out the window, and sighed. The company has no talents, and it is a bit troublesome.

Everything is proceeding smoothly. The current Marching Ant company is just a small ant that no one cares about. But sooner or later, this place will become a group of marching ants coming out of their nests,