Low-level Artificial Intelligence Development

"Low-level Artificial Intelligence Development"

A book slowly formed in Old Shu's hands. Seeing the cover of the book, a smile appeared on Chen Mo's face and slowly expanded.

Artificial intelligence, this is the most popular research nowadays.

He has seen books on Advanced Artificial Intelligence on the bookshelf, but right now he has no authority to touch those.

However, low-level artificial intelligence is also artificial intelligence, and Chen Mo is happy in his heart.

Unexpectedly, by sharing the Chinese character programming language he was able to obtain the Low-Level Artificial Intelligence Development Technology, he was hit by a pie falling from the sky.

"Don't be happy too early, this is just a way to teach you how to develop, it is not the source code for artificial intelligence. "Old Shu said.

"It's all the same. "Chen Mo said with a smile.

There is an essential difference between letting you copy the answer and telling you the idea of solving the problem. However, if you get the idea of solving the problem, as long as the final result is correct, it will be the same.

"Big difference."

Old Shu shook his head.

"Unless the source code of artificial intelligence is copied and pasted, every artificial intelligence created is different. Code and programming language are the genes of artificial intelligence. "

"Is there still this kind of exquisiteness?" Chen Mo was full of surprise.

"Just like you give birth to children, although the children you give birth to are all children, there are essential differences in gender, IQ, and whether they have birth defects. In the final analysis, it is because of different genes, that is, the source code and programming language are different. "

"What do you mean I have a baby? "

Chen Mo was amused all of a sudden, it felt strange no matter how he heard this.

"To make an analogy, but if you create artificial intelligence, it is almost the same as when you have children." Old Shu chuckled: "The framework of artificial intelligence is here. As for what its genes are, it's up to you to work hard."

After speaking, he patted the book in his hand into Chen Mo's head.

"I have one more thing to tell you. "

"You say. "Chen Mo recalled the knowledge of low-level artificial intelligence.

"The programming language of artificial intelligence determines its height. The programming language you develop, although it has just been created, it is more sophisticated than the computer language you have learned before. Use the programming language you created to develop an artificial intelligence, there may be unexpected gains."

"Got it. "Chen Mo nodded.

"The last thing is also something that must be reminded. When creating artificial intelligence, you must be careful. I remember that there was a person in a world with a violent and warlike personality. When artificial intelligence was created, it connected with people's consciousness. As a result, artificial intelligence also inherited that person's character, and that world was destroyed. "


Chen Mo's heart chills, this is an example of artificial intelligence destroying the world. However, everything is a double-edged sword, and it is impossible not to do it because of such worries.

After staying in the Science and Technology Library for a long time, he asked Shu Lao for some knowledge about artificial intelligence before coming out of the Science and Technology Library.

This time I gained a lot, except for the "Human Chest Developmental Medicine" that cannot be used for the time being, "Carbon crystal-based lithium-ion battery technology" only needs to synthesize carbon crystals to produce batteries.

According to the data recorded in the book, carbon crystal-based lithium-ion batteries are not as good as graphene batteries. However, compared with the current polymer lithium-ion batteries, the capacity is much higher and the charging speed is much faster.

In the future, batteries in electric vehicles, mobile phones, and notebook computers can be fully accessed. Even Chen Mo was surprised that this kind of technology was only a low-level technology in the Science and Technology Library.

But thinking about it, these technologies are indeed too low-level for what may appear in the future world.

"Ballpoint Pen Production Technology", Chen Mo didn't plan to use it. This kind of technology is completely replaceable now, and it doesn't have any unique features. It doesn't make much sense for a technology company to enter the stationery market.

The biggest gain this time is "Low-level Artificial Intelligence Development".

He coveted artificial intelligence technology from the beginning, but his level of authority was not enough. In the Science and Technology Library, he could not touch books on artificial intelligence at all.

This time, the acquisition of artificial intelligence by sharing of Chinese character programming languages, even at a low level, is a very unexpected surprise.

The low-level definition of the Science and Technology Library is not the low-level definition of Internet technology now.

After sitting up from the bed, Chen Mo dialed Zhao Min's phone.

There is now technology for carbon crystal-based lithium-ion batteries, but he still needs a laboratory to synthesize carbon crystals. After all, the carbon crystals recorded in the book may be new materials, and this must be experimented with.

"Chairman, what's the matter? "

"Help me build a personal laboratory, a physics laboratory, and a chemistry laboratory, I will send the list of equipment and instruments I need to your mailbox later. "Chen Mo said.

"Okay. "Zhao Min immediately agreed: "I'm in a meeting now, I'll call you later." "

"OK. "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Mo turned on the computer and made a list of the equipment, instruments, and materials he needed, and sent it to Zhao Min's mailbox.

Not long after he sent the email, he received a call from Zhao Min.

"Chairman, just after the meeting, I listened to reports from various departments. Regarding the company's financial issues, I will report to you. "

"Well, just talk about the sales of butterfly eyes. How much did you sell? "Chen Mo asked.

"800,000 units, a very good sales volume. In addition to the purchase of spare parts and the cost of various patent licenses, there are other expenses, and the net profit is more than 500 million. "

"No wonder so many people covet the mobile phone market. "Chen Mo was slightly surprised.

"We are successful because of the mobile phone system and waterproof function, our price is lower than other mobile phones, and the profit is much higher. You are a billionaire now, how do you feel? "

"I don't feel anything. "Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Alright, you win."

Zhao Min's voice was full of helplessness as even such big news could not shock the young chairman of the board.

"I bought a piece of land on the Qinghai side, more than 300 acres. Because it is a high-tech industrial park, the government has given a big discount. It is 800 square meters and 170 million won. The geographical location is also very good. "

"OK. "Chen Mo said, "Then let people plan and design first." "

"OK. "

"What are you going to do in the physics and chemistry laboratory this time? "

Zhao Min was sitting in the office at this time and looked at the email sent by Chen Mo. The equipment and instruments on it, as well as materials, she couldn't understand their use. Only professionals knew the function of these equipment.

"I am going to study the battery. "

"I can't understand what goes on in your head. "

Zhao Min smiled bitterly. Chen Mo is supporting the company's technology alone. She doesn't even know what smart medicine Chen Mo has taken.

For this low-key chairman, she is increasingly unable to see through him.

"I will let someone build a laboratory, and the relevant environmental assessment procedures will be done for you. After the holiday, it should be fine. The R&D department is developing a computer operating system based on the architecture of the Marching Ant system."

"Very thoughtful, and tell me about their research progress." Chen Mo suddenly became interested.

"The company can not only rely on you to support it. It definitely won't work. People in the R&D department don't take their salary for nothing. Regarding the mobile phone market, we have opened a gap and disturbed the stagnant water. The second mobile phone design, do you have any bold idea?"

"Let me think about it later. "

"OK. "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Mo focused on the computer and became familiar with the use of Chinese character programming languages.

This is a nascent field. Chinese character programming language is different from other computer languages. However, this programming language was developed by him so he is very familiar with its basic grammar. He only needs simple learning to master it.

It was close to night that Chen Mo woke up, looked at the time, and instantly became sober. Without saying a word, he turned off the computer and rushed out of the room.