Blind Date?

Xiao Yu dragged her suitcase, looked at the strange station, rubbed her sore eyebrows, and dialed the phone.

"Cici, I'm at the station. "

"Do you want me to pick you up and stay with me for one night? "A female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"No, I'm going to live at my uncle's house tonight, take a break tomorrow, and I'll go directly to your wedding the day after tomorrow. "

"Okay, see you then. "A female voice came from the other end of the phone.

After hanging up the phone, I was about to call a taxi, when the phone rang again.

"Xiaoman, what's the matter? "

"Sister, I have some unfortunate news for you. "A gloating voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What unfortunate news? I'm a little tired now, hurry up, I'm going to Uncle Zhang's house. "

"I overheard my dad talking on the phone with Uncle Zhang today. Uncle Zhang asked about your situation and knew that you were about to graduate, and then talked about your life-long events. Guess what happened next? "

Xiaoman's voice was still gloating.

"What happened? "Xiaoyu had a bad feeling.

"Hey, Uncle Zhang said that Aunt Zhen has a nephew who also happened to graduate from university this year. He belongs to your school. He feels that the conditions of the two of you are just right, and then he wants you to meet tomorrow. If you are suitable, you can make friends, and if you are not suitable, you can recognize a familiar face. "

Xiao Man laughed on the other end of the phone, full of gloating.

"Really?" Xiao Yu was dumbfounded: "Is this for a blind date?"

"Yes, our parents have agreed. After all, the person introduced by Uncle Zhang must be reliable. Sister, pray for your blessing. I can only help till here, hahaha..."

Before the laughter fell, Xiaoman had already hung up, leaving Xiao Yu in a mess in the wind.

This time she came to Huacheng to attend the wedding of her high school classmates. As a result, her father was not at ease and asked her to stay at a friend's house for a few days before returning for the New Year.

She has met Uncle Zhang Yang a few times. She and her father are both fishing friends. The two have a good friendship, and Uncle Zhang is also very nice, so Xiao Yu agreed.

As a result, she has to go on a blind date now?

Xiao Yu's face collapsed, and she hurriedly stopped a taxi and left for the nearest hotel. She must not go to uncle Zhangs house.

As soon as she got in the car, her phone rang again.

Aunt Zhen.

After seeing the number, Xiao Yu instantly became nervous: "Aunt Zhen. "

"Well, Xiao Yu, have you arrived at the station? I asked your uncle to pick you up. "

"I'm at the station, but don't bother uncle. I am going out to have something to eat with my friends now. It may be late in the evening. I will stay with her and go to your house tomorrow. "Xiao Yu got up and felt her heartbeat keep speeding up.

"Is that so? It's okay, you can come early tomorrow. Go out at night, pay attention to safety, and don't play too late. "

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief.


The next day, Chen Mo was woken up early by his mother from the bed and got up for breakfast.

"Amo, go change into a more handsome dress and follow me to your sister-in-law's house. "

"It's not like my sister-in-law hasn't seen me before. Why do I have to dress so handsome? "

"I just came back, giving people a good impression. Don't be as sloppy as you are at home, you are so big and alone."

Chen Mo felt something was wrong, but he didn't refuse his mother's request. He found a set of clothes that looked more comfortable and followed her out.

My sister-in-law is my mother's younger sister, named Shao Zhen, and he also calls her Aunt Zhen.

When he was a child, she took great care of him, so Chen Mo had a very good impression of this aunt. In the past, every New Year's Holiday, there were red envelopes for him.

Chen Mo remembered that when he was a child, his father had no job and his family was not so well-off. When his uncle came to the house to collect debts, his aunt borrowed money and returned it to his uncle.

After that incident, the family and the eldest uncle also fell out, and the relationship between their family and the younger sister-in-law was even closer.

Not long after, Chen Mo arrived at his aunt's house under the leadership of his mother.

As soon as I arrived at the door, my sister-in-law walked out from the inside. After seeing Chen Mo, she smiled: "You have grown into handsome young man. "

"Thank you, Aunt Zhen, where is Xinxin? "Chen Mo asked.

He remembers the cousin who grew up in his house since he was a child. In the past, his uncle and aunt went out to work hard, and there were no elderly people in the family to take care of the children, so they sent his cousin to their house to take care of him.

Therefore, he and his cousin Zhang Xinxin grew up together, no different from their brothers and sisters.

"That girl, she went out on a vacation and went to a friend's house again, but she didn't come back. "My aunt said, "Amo, sit in the hall for a while, your mother and I will go to the kitchen to cook." "

"Zhen, where's that girl? "Mother Chen asked as she walked.

"She hasn't arrived yet, I'll call and ask. "

Chen Mo sat on the sofa. His body has been developed to its full potential and his hearing is very sensitive, so he can clearly hear the conversation between the two.

"Girl? "

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Chen Mo's mind, and finally fixed on two words.

Blind date?

Thinking of this possibility, Chen Mo almost vomited blood.

When he was at school, he teased Xiao Yu, don't go home and be pulled out by her family for a blind date, but he was pulled over as soon as he got home.

Even if the opposite is true, you don't need to play with people like this, right? Chen Mo was still not sure and slowly approached the kitchen.

"Xiao Yu, why haven't you come yet, the meal is almost ready? "

"Well, Aunt Jane, I... I'm not feeling well, can I do it another day? "In a hotel room, Xiao Yu looked anxious and couldn't laugh or cry.

This damn Chen Mo, she must clean him up when she goes back.

At school, he said that she would be taken on a blind date when she went home, snd she was really caught by her family. She couldn't sleep well all night, just thinking about it.

"Not feeling well? Then I will ask my nephew to pick you up and show you around. Your dad told us that he asked us to take care of you, otherwise, we couldn't explain it. "

Aunt Zhen didn't doubt it. In Lao He's mouth, his daughter was very well-behaved.

"No, no, no, no, Auntie Jane, it's not that serious. Wait, I'm going out with my classmates, and I won't be able to stay with you for too long, so why don't I come back later. My classmates have come to me, and I will contact you later. Goodbye, Aunt Zhen. "

After speaking, Xiao Yu hung up his phone directly.

"Chen Mo, crow's mouth. "

Xiaoyu was scolding Chen Mo in her heart at this time, but she didn't know what to do with Aunt Zhen next.

"Ah, cho~"

Outside the kitchen, Chen Mo sneezed, with despair on his face, and even he didn't know how he was feeling now.

He listened to what his sister-in-law said just now, just wanting to introduce the woman to him.

To put it bluntly, it's a blind date.

"Mom, Aunt Jane, I'm not feeling well, so I'm going out to buy medicine. "Chen Mo yelled, and before the two of them could answer, they rushed out of the house.

"Amo, where are you going? Don't eat? "

As soon as I ran outside the house, I ran into my uncle. My uncle is usually a bit optimistic and humorous. Every time he sees Chen Mo, the two of them will have a special chat.

"Uncle, that... I'm going out to buy something. "Chen Mo ran away.

Seeing Chen Mo's back as he fled, Zhang Yang shook his head and smiled, and walked into the room.

"Where's Xiao Mo? "As soon as Zhang Yang walked into the hall, Shao Xuemei looked at the empty sofa and asked.

"He slipped away, I guess he knew that we were going to introduce a girl to him. "Zhang Yang smiled: "Xiao Yu didn't come either?" "

"Xiao Yu said that she had an appointment with a classmate. "Shao Zhen said.

"Then cook, let's eat by ourselves, I'll call and ask a few friends to come over for a drink. Both of them probably knew that this was a blind date, so they made excuses and ran away. "Zhang Yang chuckled a few times: "I'll look for a chance next time. This kind of thing can't be done reluctantly. They all just graduated from college and are still young. Maybe they can't adapt all of a sudden." "

Chen Mo ran into the street with a lingering fear on his face.

It's too dangerous to fool him into going on a blind date without saying a word. If you let Xiao Yu know, I'm afraid Xiao Yu can laugh him to death.

As soon as I ran to the street, the phone rang.

Seeing that it was Xiao Yu, he breathed a sigh of relief immediately. If his mother told him to go back, he might as well go directly to the hospital for two hours.

"Xiao Yu, what's the matter? "

"Your home is in Huacheng, right? "Xiaoyu asked.

"Yeah, what's the matter? "

"I am in Huacheng now. "Xiaoyu said.

"Miss me so soon, come to me? Where is it? "

Chen Mo smiled immediately. He happened to have nowhere to go now.

"A good friend of mine got married and happened to be here. she notified me as soon as I got home, but I came here again. I just came here last night and didn't notify you. I have time today. Take me to play. "Xiao Yu said.

After getting Xiao Yu's address, Chen Mo rushed over immediately.

After seeing Xiao Yu, Chen Mo's depression that he had just been tricked into going on a blind date was swept away. However, Xiao Yu must not be told about this matter, otherwise, he will be laughed to death.

"Where do you want to go? "

"Don't talk for a while, let me hit you for a while. "

Xiao Yu thought of the blind date, so she couldn't wait to beat Chen Mo violently. This crow's mouth really made her almost tricked into going on a blind date as soon as she came back. Fortunately, her sister reminded her, otherwise, she would be embarrassed.

"Hit?. "

As soon as his words fell, Chen Mo was beaten indiscriminately, but it was on his shoulder and she stopped with a sore hand.

"The first time I saw beating someone, I hurt myself. "Xiao Yu's hand was grabbed directly by Chen as he laughed.

"My little temper is over. "After speaking, Xiao Yu kissed him on the face: "This is to compensate you, take me to play, we can go anywhere." "

"Go to my house and meet my parents. "

"Nice try. "When she heard that he wants her to meet his parents, Xiao Yu's face flushed immediately: "Do you always wear the scarf on your body?" "Xiao Yu began to help Chen Mo tidy up the disrupted clothes just now.

"Of course, wearing it is like you are by your side. "

"Wow~ I found that you have become numb. "Xiaoyu showed an expression of disgust, and then smiled softly: "Accompany me to a friend's wedding tomorrow." "