Smart Assistant Conference

Chen Mo was very relieved of Zhao Min. He didn't need to doubt people, and he didn't doubt employing people. Therefore, after handing the company over to Zhao Min's management, he didn't ask much about the company's situation except for occasionally looking at the financial statements.

He doesn't worry about Zhao Min, it doesn't mean that there will be no moths in the people below. The company's finances are the most important thing of the company, and he couldn't guarantee that the people below would not move these things.

As early as when Mo Nu was formed, he wanted Mo Nu to supervise the company's financial system and accounts, but he didn't come to the company at that time, so he couldn't do so.

Now that he has entered the company, he also needs to supervise the finances of the necessary things. Moths in the company are absolutely not allowed to exist, otherwise, it is easy to shake the foundation of the company.

"Mo Nu received it. "As soon as Chen Mo's words fell, Ms. Mo's voice sounded: "The bank account has been monitored, the financial system has been monitored, the data is being aggregated, the calculations are completed, and the accounts have no problem." "

Chen Mo nodded and focused his attention on the computer in front of him.

"Now organize the information on carbon crystal-based lithium-ion batteries. "Chen Mo said.

Carbon crystal is a new type of battery material. Before the graphene battery technology was mature, carbon crystal batteries were very promising. As long as carbon crystal-based batteries are manufactured, they will have huge benefits for electronic products.

The laboratory will be able to complete the renovation soon, and after sorting out the technical data, he will be able to put it into the experiment immediately.

Time passed, and four days passed quickly.

Today is the day of the product launch of the Marching Ant Company. The news of the product launch of the Marching Ant Company was released through the official Weibo three days ago.

The last time the Marching Ants held a silent press conference, the Marching Ants system and the Butterfly Eye mobile phone broke out with two heavy news, which earned enough attention.

After a few months, Marching Ant once again released its products to the outside world, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The original Butterfly Eye mobile phone was also named the most beautiful mobile phone of the year. The Marching Ant company also relied on butterfly eyes to enter the mobile phone market strongly, and quickly gained a foothold and gained the recognition of young people.

Because of production restrictions, Butterfly Eye has only sold about two million units so far, but this sales volume is already terrifying for a newly entered company.

The Marching Ant company has been reluctant to expand its production, so until now, the Butterfly Eye mobile phone is still out of stock in the market.

Now that the marching ants are releasing new products so grandly, without telling everyone the specific products, people have to wonder if it will be another product comparable to the Marching ants system, or a new mobile phone will be released.

With the veil of mystery, the product launch conference of the Marching Ant Company has also become the focus of attention. The invited media, no one was absent this time, and they had already come to Binhai City a long time ago.

Many media wanted to interview Zhao Min in advance, but without exception, all of them were rejected.

At this time, Zhao Min was walking towards Chen Mo's office area.

The press conference of the smart assistant was held at two o'clock this afternoon, and the chairman was still leisurely doing experiments in the laboratory, which made her very helpless.

The laboratory was fully completed three days ago. From that day on, Chen Mo drilled into the laboratory to study as soon as he arrived at the company every day.

She also finally knew why Chen Mo didn't have time to deal with the company's affairs before.

After facial recognition confirmed her identity, Zhao Min entered Chen Mo's experimental area.

Chen Mo stared at the tin can in front of him. On the table in the laboratory, there were many black substances placed on it. Some of them were flakes and covered with regular lines, and some shimmering substances were attached to them, but they were not pure.

Because the data is inaccurate, these are all failed products. Therefore, Chen Mo has been trying the best synthesis conditions for carbon crystals during this period of time.

Before and after, it has failed seventeen times, and this is the eighteenth experiment.

"Mo Nu, how strong is the pressure now? "

"1013kpa, ten standard atmospheres. "Mo Nu's immature voice sounded.

"How high is the temperature? "

Chen Mo picked up the notebook at hand and began to record data. These data are the key to his experiment.

"1347K, just reached the boiling point of lithium. "

"It still doesn't seem to work. "After Chen Mo finished speaking, he started to debug the instrument in front of him: "Add 1K to the temperature and 50kPa to the pressure. When this number is reached, remind me." "

"OK. "

Not long after, Chen Mo sighed when he saw the fragments of graphite crystals in front of him.

It failed again, but this time the result was a little better than the last time, and he was closer to success. The crystal fragments now are a little larger than just now. According to the current state, with a little bit of experimentation, he will soon be able to get the accurate data of the synthesis.

In the book carbon crystal-based lithium-ion battery technology, only the conditions for carbon crystal synthesis are recorded, and no specific data are given. Things like synthetic materials are thousands of miles away. If only one condition goes wrong, the experiment will fail.

"Mo Nu, combine and analyze all the experimental data, and then show me the datasheet. "Chen Mo said.

"Okay, Mo Nu understands. "

After a while, on the printer next to him, a table was printed out. The above was a comparison of the data of many failed experiments. Looking at the data table, Chen Mo was slightly surprised.

"Brother Mo, Zhao Min entered the experimental area. "When Chen Mo was thinking about the reasons and data for the failure of the laboratory, Mo Nu reminded.

"Oh, got it. "

Chen Mo put down the crystal fragments in his hands, took off his lab coat and gloves, and walked out of the laboratory after washing his hands. As soon as he came out, he saw Zhao Min coming from the corridor.

"Chairman, why do you know every time I come here? "Zhao Min asked. She remembered that every time she entered the experimental area, Chen Mo would know and then come out of the laboratory.

"Doesn't the door have face recognition? As soon as it recognizes you, I will be notified. "Chen Mo took the lead and walked towards the office area: "What's the matter this time?" "

"How's the experiment going? "

"It's still a failure, but there is some progress, and it will be successful soon. I will send you the equipment list later, and you will ask someone to buy the equipment back and build a factory to facilitate mass production experiments in the future. "

"Okay, there will be a press conference for smart assistants today. At two o'clock in the afternoon, there is an hour and a half left. I will come to you and go there together. "Zhao Min said.

"Well, I happen to be free, I will go and have a look. "

After Chen Mo changed into his jacket, he left with Zhao Min. He also wanted to take advantage of this time to think about the reasons for the failure of carbon crystal synthesis.

"You don't plan to go on stage? "Zhao Min asked.

"What am I doing on stage? The company did not invite big celebrities to endorse, but you, the Internet celebrity president, hosted the press conference and saved a lot of endorsement fees. It is a pity if such a big celebrity is not used." Chen Mo laughed.

"Do you know this is exploitation? Can you process wages? "Zhao Min gave him a blank look.

This chairman of the board just refused to show up in public. On the contrary, she has had a lot of trouble after becoming an Internet celebrity.

"It is estimated that not many people in China have higher wages than you. "

When Zhao Min was asked to help manage the company, he gave Zhao Min a 5% dividend. For only half of last year's revenue, Zhao Min took tens of millions in dividends, and this is just the beginning.

"If there is no salary, then invite me to dinner, okay? "

"Okay, you can choose the location. "Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Where do you want to go? "

"I want to go to the big food stall near my school, where the skewers are good. "

Zhao Min looked at Chen Mo speechlessly.

After leaving the company, the two, accompanied by the staff, entered the prepared car and left towards the press conference site.

This time the press conference was held in the Binhai Grand Theater. This is the second press conference of the Marching Ant Company, which is grander than the last time it was held in a hotel.

There were more than 500 media outlets present this time, and the largest media outlets were also among them, as well as fans of Butterfly Eyes in Binhai City. People from several major domestic mobile phone companies also sent representatives to participate. Many media and self-media people came uninvited.

There were nearly two thousand people at this press conference, which was completely different from the last shabby press conference.

As a rapidly rising technology star in China, the Marching Ant Company has always been the object of everyone's attention. This press conference with a sense of mystery aroused the appetites of many people.

There are already many people on the Internet who are speculating about the products of the Marching Ants conference.

Despite all kinds of speculations, the Marching Ants Company did not respond positively, and all the employees of the Marching Ants Company kept their mouths shut. Some people don't know it, and those who know it can't tell it, otherwise their work will not be guaranteed.

After the convoy arrived at the Grand Theater, the two got out of the car and entered backstage under the guidance of the staff.