
As soon as Zhao Min and Xiao Yu walked into the door of the reception room, a man stood up from the sofa. He is Yu Chengnan, the chief executive officer of Huawei Company, and he is one of the most influential figures in the technology circle.

"Mr. Yu, hello. "

Zhao Min stretched out her hand and shook Yu Chengnan's hand, and sat opposite him: "Mr. Yu came here in person this time, so it is an honor for us. "

"Don't be polite, I like to be more direct. "Yu Chengnan shook his head and smiled at Zhao Min.

"I also like to be more direct. "Zhao Min smiled and said, "Mr. Yu is here to cooperate this time?" "

Yu Chengnan's body was upright.

"Ms. Zhao, does your company plan to sell shares? Our company can acquire some shares in your company and join forces. One plus one is definitely greater than two. "

"No plan, let's put it this way. In the past few days, I have sent away people from IDG, Soo, Jiuding, Sequoia, and Penguin. Mr. Yu thinks we are still short of money and need to raise funds and sell shares? "Zhao Min said.

"That's not true. It's just that there are rumors in the circle that the shares of Marching Ant Company are only in the hands of your chairman. This piece of meat is too fat for him to eat. Some people want him to spit it out. I am here this time and I also want to cooperate with you. "Yu Chengnan didn't shy away from saying.

"Let him spit out some? "Zhao Min smiled and shook her head.

After knowing Chen Mo for so long, she also has an understanding of Chen Mo's character.

Although this chairman is usually very peaceful, easy to talk to, and likes to joke. But at the moment of necessity, he is definitely a strong person, and it is impossible to take away the shares of the Marching Ant Company from him.

Now the main products of the Marching ant company come from his hands, and the wealth created by himself cannot be given out to others in vain.

"Mr. Yu doesn't have to worry about us. The company has experienced a black hand once, and it has survived at that time. It's no big deal to experience it again. "Zhao Min said.

"Can you let me talk to the chairman of your company? "Yu Chengnan asked with a smile.

"Xiao Yu, you go and inform the chairman to come down and have a chat with Mr. Yu. "Zhao Min said to Xiao Yu beside him.

"OK. "

Xiao Yu nodded and left the reception room. After a few minutes, Xiao Yu came back again, but there was an extra Chen Mo beside her.

"This is our chairman, Chen Mo. "After Chen Mo walked in with Xiao Yu, Zhao Min introduced him.

"Hello, Mr. Chen. "

Yu Chengnan looked at Chen Mo with surprise in his eyes.

No photos of Chen Mo have been exposed on the Internet, but he knows that the chairman of Marching Ants is a young man. He only found out after seeing it that he was a little too young.

If it weren't for Chen Mo standing in front of him, he would never believe that such a young man was the real power in the Marching Ant company.

"Hello, Mr. Yu, I have heard so much about you. "Chen Mo stretched out his hand and shook Yu Chengnan.

"I won't talk nonsense. This time, there are two things. One is about taking a stake in the Marching Ant company, and the second is about some cooperation matters. Originally, I shouldn't have done these things, but this time I happened to be here, so I stopped by. "Yu Chengnan said.

Chen Mo sat down opposite Yu Chengnan: "Then I'm afraid Mr. Yu will be disappointed. I have no plans to sell shares for the time being, but we can talk about cooperation in detail. "

"In terms of shares, there is no room for negotiation? "Yu Chengnan asked.

"No. Our company is currently not short of money, and there is no need to adjust the company's equity structure. "Chen Mo said without hesitation.

"Well, let's talk about cooperation. "

Yu Chengnan did not entangle this issue. Chen Mo had already made it very clear that if he entangled in this aspect, it would cause disgust.

"How does Mr. Yu want to cooperate? "Chen Mo asked.

"Patent exchange, our two companies can sign a patent exchange agreement, and some patents can be exchanged. "Yu Chengnan said.

"It didn't take long for our company to be established, and there are not many patents in total. "

"It's just a memorandum of cooperation now, and there will be opportunities in the future. Of course, if you are willing to exchange patents with us for the technology of smart assistants, many of our technologies can be authorized to you. "

Yu Chengnan looked directly at Chen Mo. Chen Mo made him unable to see through. This was the most confident young man he had ever seen.

"The company has no intention to exchange the patents of Smart Assistant "Chen Mo said slowly: "It is still possible to sign a memorandum of cooperation. After all, this is an era of openness, and cooperation can achieve a win-win situation." "

"Mr. Chen is quick to speak, so if you have time today, let's talk about the general direction of cooperation. "

As a giant of domestic technology companies, Huawei is not generally strong, and it can be regarded as a rising star. But Chen Mo is confident that the Marching Ant Company will surpass Huawei, which is not a cinch at all, so when talking about cooperation, the two sides have a reciprocal relationship.

During this period, Chen Mo also asked Huawei to upgrade their servers. During this period of time, the number of users of smart assistants has grown rapidly, and the speed of server upgrades has not kept up at all. He just took advantage of this opportunity and asked Huawei's people to help.

Both sides are willing to cooperate, so they talked about cooperation very quickly. After chatting about cooperation, Zhao Min took the group of people and had a simple meal to socialize, and then sent Yu Chengnan away.

"Chairman, the influence of the smart assistant is very great this time, I am afraid that someone is going to make trouble from behind. The benefits are too great, and many people are staring at it, which is more troublesome than the last marching ant system. "On the way back to the company, Zhao Min, who was sitting in a commercial vehicle, said.

Zhao Min is very clear that there are many alternative options for mobile phone systems, and they are closed-source, so the reaction from the outside world is not as great as imagined.

However, the market for smart assistants is different. There is currently no alternative product. They are an independent company. In any market, once it reaches the monopoly level, the benefits are terrifying, no matter what it is selling.

Before the release of the smart assistant, she had this kind of concern, but it was impossible to abandon the release of the smart assistant because of this kind of concern. Nothing big has happened to the company now, but she feels that a storm is brewing.

"Don't worry, the soldiers will block the water and cover the soil. The current company is no longer the original company. "

"You are so optimistic, what else can I say? "Zhao Min said helplessly.

"How is the planning of the company headquarters? "

"It's being designed by someone, and I have also sent someone to follow up. The drawings should be made soon. On the issue of construction, public tenders are also being prepared. "Zhao Min said.

"Tell me about the direction you want to develop next, so I can pave the way first, so as not to be in a hurry when the time comes. You suddenly threw me an intelligent assistant this time. Such a sudden thing will disrupt many plans. "

"Yeah." Chen Mo nodded: "Next enter the manufacturing industry. I'm studying battery materials. You should buy a few factories, battery production, and parts processing factories."

"Fully owned or sharehoding? "Zhao Min asked.

"Fully owned. "

"Well, anyway, the company's money is all yours, and there is no place to spend it. I can only listen to you. "Zhao Min said: "One more thing, I am going to acquire an advertising company. In the future, we will also have our own channels and plans for product promotion." Moreover, we have a platform that can also receive a lot of advertising services. "

"OK. "Chen Mo nodded.

After the group returned to the company, Chen Mo went straight into his laboratory area and continued to experiment.