Chapter 7

Throughout the whole incident the only thing I was grateful for, was the fact that it happened in the locker room where we could just dispose of the evidence down the shower drains. I dared to imagine the same scenario happening in a classroom or anywhere else in the school where we would need to move back and forth in order to get rid of the evidence.

I felt goosebumps form on my skin since I was dead sure if that was the case we would have already been caught and if not it would only take a short period of time before the police found the culprit or in my case culprits.

with that thought, I started to scrub the floor harder especially where the floor joins with the lockers. It's where stains had a habit of gluing themselves according to every investigation drama ever made. I was not going to jail no matter what. Well at least not know since am still young and still have a lot of people to get rid of so maybe later. Yes maybe later maybe after 50 or so years that's time enough to live our glorious moments.

I couldn't be able to stop the chuckle that came from the thought itself. How I could still manage to laugh in that kind of situation was amusing which made my chuckle turn into a burst of full-blown laughter. With Thanos reminding me that we are not alone I managed to stop my laughter but that did take away the huge grin that was now plastered on my face as I cleaned away.

After using a generous amount of every solution we brought with us, and after Dragoshi was satisfied that not even a single drop of blood was left on the floor, walls, or lockers did we start thinking of ways to deal with the body. We knew we had to get rid of the body completely so burring it was not an option. After all, it's said no body no evidence.

" We have to figure out how to get the body out of here without being caught by the guards or the CCTV outside the school building before we start thinking about how to get rid of the damn body," Thanos spoke up. He was pushing to take charge again and considering he was the muscles of the 'group' and moving the body required strength I stepped down as if I had a choice.

After a while of trying to brainstorm ideas, it was decided upon that the only way we could move the body undetected was by using the large dustbins that the school had in the locker rooms. " That only solves the transportation problem but what about the security guards and security cameras" I voiced out my concerns.

"Why don't you figure that out on your own for once. After all, we are only here because you couldn't keep your 'little friend' in your pants in the first place." Dragoshi spoke, his words full of sarcasm and a hint of annoyance. I almost didn't notice the latter but boy I did.

"Fuck you Dragoshi! you can't pin all this on me. If I can remember clearly you are the ones who pushed me to do it" I spat back. I was mad, no I mean Furious I was ready to have a mental showdown with one of the other me if that was what they even were. I knew I wasn't the strongest or the smartest or the bravest among us three but

that was not a reason to make me a scapegoat in this mess. we went back and forth calling each other names with Dragoshi until Thanos brought it to a stop.

"STOP IT! YOU TWO!" It only took those two words to shut the both of us up. Thanos sounds irritated and since none of us wanted to deal with an angry, irritable, and moody Thanos we did as told. The situation was critical and fighting with each other is gonna make it worse and nobody wants that.

I was still pissed at Dragoshi that I tuned off every word he said. After him talking for about five minutes and realizing I was still standing my ground on ignoring him he sighed "Look here Alex you don't have to act like a little bitch over petty issues and am sorry Okay."

The apology came with several insults but I could tell it was sincere since Dragoshi never apologizes to anybody. Not even Thanos when they disagreed on something. Hence the apology caught me off guard I did not know how to respond leading to an awkward silence falling upon us.

I cleared my throat and it was taken as a sign to let bygones be bygones. Dragoshi spoke up again suggesting that since it was very late and we were getting exhausted we should just stuff the body into the bin and hide it then deal with it in the morning after some deserved rest.

"That will do for now and tomorrow being the weekend we won't have to deal with nosey teenagers while moving the body. God I hate teenagers" Thanos added. I was about to speak up when he cut me short " And I swear Alex if you gonna say ' but we are teenagers' am gonna smack you or me or us or whoever this works" he was getting annoyed again so I kept my two cents to myself.

I could feel Dragoshi's laughter more than hear it. "Bastard," I thought to myself. "You know I can hear you," Dragoshi said laughing some more. Damn, he can be so annoying when he wanted to be and I thought that was my job.

Thanos walked up to the door where the large bin was and pushed it towards where the body lay. He lifted the body up and not so careful placed it in the bin. "This bitch is actually starting to get heavy, so much for ' am on a cleansing diet to keep fit and lose weight "

Thanos mimicked her annoying voice so well that it seemed as if the bitch was still alive but she wishes coz she was as dead as the dead could be and something about that fact felt just right.

The issue of how to get the body out of the school without being noticed became much easier since Saturday was trash pick-up day at the school. All we needed to do was blend in as one of the pick-up men take the body out and then decide on what to do later on.

The idea seemed that simple and we were confident it would all go as planned and we would be home free. If only we knew what awaited us the following morning.