Chapter 11

I stood there as still as I could. I didn't want to scare the boy since he seemed to be in a so not goo condition and proceed to making it worse. He didn't seem to be getting better so I moved as slowly as I could to the other end of the room to see if I could get something to hold some water for him maybe an empty bottle or clean can or container.

I was lucky enough to find a clean empty bottle but rinsed it a couple of time just as a safety measure. Half way back to the stranger I just met or was about to meet I stopped in my tracks

"What on earth am I doing this for" I wondered to myself. Am not the kind of people who would willingly go out of their way to do a kind deed. I would even rather surfer than accept help from anyone apart from my uncle and here I was carefully carrying back a bottle of water to a total stranger.

I was about to turn back and dispose of the bottle of water until I saw the stranger approaching the trash can cautiously. That did seem strange since it was as if they knew what to expect when they opened the trash can and indeed they did. The look of relief on their face was remarkable.

No one in their wright mind would react like that after seeing dead body especially one in such state. Unless. He was the killer! I wouldn't believe it if someone accused him of such a heinous crime. The young boy had such soft features but not soft enough to be considered feminine. His features had a touch of masculinity that just fit him perfectly.

I decided it was about time I introduced myself and not continue act like a damn stalker peeping into a window in the dark. I tried to approach him cautiously to avoid spooking him but I still managed to. Don't blame me its just who I am

"That's quite a luggage you got there Darling, you sure you can manage in your condition?"

His whole body froze in place and for a moment I got a bit concerned but the banging of the trash can lid snapped him out of it.He slowly turned to look at me and I was the one to freeze in place. the boy up close was a beauty. I was snapped back to my sense by the harsh response I got.

This was getting me more excited exited. I found myself unconsciously moving closer to him. something was off about the boy and I was hell bound on finding out what it was but first I had to know what he used to put that girl in that state and maybe know what she did to deserve it.

I leaned into him to the point that our faces were only centimeters apart. I stared into his Hazel coloured eyes but found myself focusing more on his long delicate eyelashes. "why don't you quench my curiosity and tell me what you used to course that much damage"

I knew the effect I was having on him by the way he kept avoiding any eye contact and kept his head down the whole time. I didn't expect that kind of reaction from him, he didn't look like the shy type but how he seemed to be trying hard to avoid anybody contact with me and the light shade of red tainting his cheeks was real something I was not ready for.

I could feel a feeling of excitement bubbling within my core. This was not good I had to take control of the situation before it became too much and lose it. I gathered all my thoughts and composed myself but all my efforts went down the drain.

"Helmet" he said it in a low whisper and I heard it I fucking clearly heard it and I lost it. His voice was so damn sexy and it got me thinking of things I shouldn't be thinking of at that time. I I wanted to hear it again. Hear his voice in the same low tone again and I was gonna get it out of him and I just knew how to do it.

I moved even closer that the space between us almost became non existence.I could feel his body tense up due to our close proximity and this gave me a sense of pride since it meant that I was in control again. I leaned my head onto his shoulder and nozzled my face onto his neck and lightly rubbed my nose on it.

"Come on Darling don't keep me waiting" I could feel the shiver that ran through his body just from my words. He was trying so hard to give into me but I could tell it was already a losing battle.

"Football helmet" he did what I wanted him to do but I got more than I hard bargained for.His voice this time was even lower and every word was dragged out in a breathless manner. I wish I could say that I only felt shivers down my spine but the stirring in my pants said otherwise.

"That's my good boy"

I was still in the daze of the kind of effect this boy was having on me that I didn't realize what had just come out of my own mouth. I felt a push on my chest which I felt like it was meant to be a shove but he couldn't manage that kind of strength. I felt anger sedge through me and without knowing it I held the boy by his arms and shoved him back first onto the lockers.

I held his hands above his head and trapped his boy with mine. I could feel the heat radiation from his body to mine as they pressed closer to each other. No body pushes me and gets away with it no matter the reason or situation. I grabbed his face with free hand and made him stare me in the eyes.

"What the hell were you trying to do darning? we both know that was really not a smart move"

" Let me go am gonna.... go..nna..."

"What are you gonna do darning? Hit me? kill me or tell on..."

My words got caught in between my lips as I saw the boy's body go limp and almost hit the floor if it wasn't for the fact that I held on to him tightly.This brought the fact that the boy was not well to begin with and I just used to much force I pushing him. I can be an idiot at times.

"Hey wake up ! you can't die on me right now and leave me your mess to deal with!"