Chapter 1 Wake up and recollect

In the endless dark space, no one knows exactly how long it took when suddenly a small glowing ball appeared and it started to wake up.


The little sphere started to wake up and wiggle.

"Where is this and who am I" said the orb and tried to remember who it was.

After a while of struggling, the little orb finally remembered who he was and he said "so I'm dead, I hope she lives well" he said as he recalled his past.

* flashback time *

At noon in a particular park, one can see a boy waiting for someone. He looks like he's only 14 or 15 years old, with short black hair and 5.3 feet tall, he looks quite handsome but his most distinctive feature is his wine red eyes.

(author: *he is our MC*) He is waiting for his girlfriend, whom he first met at the orphanage, who is also his best friend and whom he considers family after his father and mother passed away. was in an accident when he was 1 year old. He stood for a moment when suddenly he heard a voice from behind calling his name.

"Yo Zane, you waited so long and sorry for being late," the person said.

Zane turned around to see a cute girl about his age, she had waist-length blond hair and blue eyes plus a slim build and was a few centimeters shorter than him. "Oh, hi Elysia, I just just got here," I replied and turned around.

To see her with a different look than usual since she is currently cosplaying Altair from the movie Re: Creators and is one of his favorite anime characters.

"What do you think when I'm cosplaying as your favorite Altair character" she said, noticing my gaze. "not only the same but perfect" I answered her question.

"Ara ara so between Altair and me, who do you prefer," she said seductively. "Of course I like my girlfriend Elysia best," I said without fear of being overheard. "fufufufu I was just joking with you, of course I know you like me best because we've been together for over ten years anyway," she said. At that time, I was taken by the babysitter to the park to play with other children. I saw him sitting alone on a stone bench in a very sad mood, so I approached him to get acquainted. "Come on, looks like the anime and cosplay exhibition is about to start" I said looking back at her and she nodded in agreement and so we started to the venue. Anime is definitely the best thing in the world but you know what's even better, that's when you also have a girlfriend who loves anime as much as you do.


Sorry if there are any mistakes in the chapter as I translated it by Google as my English is pretty bad. if there is error please point me so i can fix it. Thanks a lot. Bye and see you later

(author: because chapter 2 is too short, I'll skip it below)


sorry for the late release, you know i'm not a good writer. I have a lot of tests next week so I'm really sorry.

sorry for the late release, you know i'm not a good writer. I have a lot of tests next week so I'm really sorry. good bye, see you again


Our date went well, we went sightseeing and socializing with other Cosplayers. While Elysia dressed up as Altair, a character she and I liked, on the other hand I dressed up as one of my favorite characters.


(Author: guess who????)


And the character I'm dressing up as is none other than the shota of the great Hero King Gilgamesh.


'Kneel before this great king muhahahahaha' Just kidding. *tehee*


Well, this date was so much fun anyway, we were so glued to it that we almost forgot about the time we spent looking back at the already dark sky. We started packing and going home, on the way back Elysia was acting very strange, sometimes she wanted to say something but stopped herself.


"What's up Elysia since leaving the party you've been acting pretty weird, you know if you have something you want to tell me cause I'm your boyfriend anyway" I said looking at her .


When she heard this, she hesitated for a moment, then with a determined look, she said.


"Zane is really me-" as she said this, suddenly a truck appeared out of nowhere and was speeding towards her.


I didn't hesitate for a minute but rushed towards her and pushed her away. After I pushed her away, the last thing I saw was an expression of shock, sadness and guilt as well as anger in her.


'Why are you angry and feeling guilty. If my death leaves you shocked and saddened then I can understand why expressions of anger and guilt are here. 'Those were my last thoughts before things went dark. I die

   *flashback ends*


            *back to the present time*

"So I'm dead," I thought.


'Honestly, I don't feel any attachment to my previous life. If there's one thing I miss most about my past life, it's Elysia. Is she still alive because the truck was very close to her at that time, I hope she is okay. 'After thinking about it for a while, I put it aside because it's no use worrying because the first thing I need to do is know where I am.


I tried to look around to see where I was, the only thing I could see was an inky blackness that seemed to stretch on forever. I tried to move my body to realize that I didn't have a body but an orb of light that gave off ironic-sounding purple-black rays.


"and fuckkkkkkkkk what happened to my body" while panicking I yelled.


      After a bit of panic, I started to calm down and suddenly found it funny because my situation is very similar to what will happen in books and fanfics but who will grant my wish? and seemingly just waiting for this, the space around me began to shake and a flash of light flashed from that chaotic space.


From that ray of light emerged a being that was exactly a woman of infinite beauty, whose beauty could be said to be unparalleled no one could compare to her even though she was a goddess. . . . . beauty, beauty. than.


She possesses a cold beauty that doesn't seem to have any emotions in her. She has beautiful purple-black hair along with red wine-like eyes. The aura from her radiated primordial chaos, pure death, and many other dark things emanating from her, but for some reason or afraid of her, I only felt anxious in my heart. melt away and feel positive emotions such as: warmth, love... and incredible peace.


(Author: he just said love. Dude, why is that, you said you love Elysia the most and only love her, but now you've switched to a girl you love? Just met her? I don't even know what kind of person she is. It's unbelievable.)-This comment is just for fun


Don't read the line below


My Chemistry test is below average f*ckkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Chemistry is a damn subject that shouldn't existtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt