chapter 9

In the garden of a mansion, a blond boy is walking to the middle of the garden while talking to himself. It's our Mc talking to his System.

[This is the perfect place to do the summoning, isn't it? Darling ~]

"Yes, This is a perfect place." Shiro said

Shiro took the Holy Grail from his inventory because he wanted to summon a servant.

"Well, I hope I can summon Scathach because she's a great fighter and one of my favorite women from FGO" said as I recalled the money I spent on her in the game. play FGO.

Shiro arrived at the castle in the middle of the garden and began injecting a large amount of mana into the Holy Grail. Small but intricate magic circles and runes appeared on the Grail as mana flowed into it while Shiro was chanting.

"Silver and iron return to their roots.

Gems and leukocytes contract with the foundation.

The wind becomes the wall.

The gates in the four directions are closed, starting from the crown, the three-way road leads to the rotating kingdom.

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Repeat every five times.

Simple, breaks every time it is filled.

————— I announced.

Your ego is below me, my destiny (perish) is in your sword.

In keeping with the Holy Grail approach if you follow this feeling, this reason, then reply.

This is my oath.

I am the one who becomes all that is good in the world of the dead

I am the one who exposes all the evils of the world of the dead.

You, the seven heavens are wrapped in three powerful words from the barrier ring

Hey people who hold the scales

——————! "

When Shiro finished speaking, a lamp shone brightly even in broad daylight. From a distance, it looks like sunlight reflected in a mirror so not many people think it's a supernatural event.

As the glare disappeared, a girl with waist-length blond hair and red eyes was clasping her hands together as her sweet yet cold voice rang out.

"Are you my master, Mongrel?"

'Oh damn she's not Scathach, hm let's see who she is' I thought as I looked closely at the girl. The girl is 182cm tall and wears only a two-piece bikini, gloves and gold jewelry. And red lines forming a particular pattern were seen on her body that looked like seals.


Although Shiro was quite annoyed when the beauty called him "Mongrel" due to a bit of pride from Gilgamesh, he still endured and responded with exasperation.

"Yes... I'm your master and I'm not Mongrel..."

Hearing the answer from her supposed master, the girl still introduced herself with undisguised pride.

"Mongrel, you must be lucky to summon this king, I'm Gilgamesh! The oldest king of Humanity, The—"

Startled at hearing the girl call him a hybrid, he activated the babylon gate and interrupted her as he spoke.

"Look at this 'Mongrel' before you start talking about your kingdom!"

This was the first time Amanda saw Shiro really angry, it was true that he was angry before knowing the girl's past but this time it was different that made her silently pray for this girl.

After Shiro said this, Gilgamesh finally looked at his master carefully and found the similarities and differences between them.

"W-How could this happen!? How the hell can you be like me and how did you get the Babylon Gate!?"

Shiro said with a smug expression.

"If you call me a hybrid dog then that means you called yourself a hybrid dog, hehe~!"

Gilgamesh looks at this Shota and has a dark face

'Does you consciously not hurt? This is moral kidnapping'

"Fine, Master"

With a compromise, the two return to the mansion. Unbeknownst to the two, the summoning of a servant caused a lot of uproar in the supernatural world.


In Heaven, the 4 great seraphs were conducting their periodic meetings before they opened their eyes wide as they felt their energy spike.

"What just happened?" The person in question was an extremely beautiful woman with curly blond hair and an attractive body, and was known to be the most beautiful woman in Heaven, Gabriel.

That amount of mana was too great, you could only see it in an extremely strong person.

"I don't know, do you know where it came from? Uriel" said Raphael one of the 4 Great Seraphs.

"This… I don't know either, but the mana level indicates that its possessor must be of a very high rank, right, Michael." Uiriel, who was known as the Flame of God, turned to look at his brother.

Michael nodded and quickly identified the source of the dense mana, but it was gone before he could find it.

They weren't the only ones who felt it, as mana existed in nature and was felt by many powerful Beings from different realms. They all tried to determine where it came from but before they could pinpoint the exact location of that mana, it disappeared.

Many of them became interested in that mysterious amount of mana while some started to worry because they could tell that Whoever or Whatever caused it had the Power.


In an endlessly vast range, in every direction, there is a mixture of iridescent colors.

A huge red Western Dragon with one horn on its snout and two sets of wings about 100 meters long and known for its title of hovering until she noticed a dense amount of mana outside. Spatial distance.

She glanced in the direction the mana was coming before realizing that it had suddenly disappeared when she tried to use her power to locate it but to her surprise she couldn't even find the Trace. of mana. it, causing the giant Red Dragon to raise an eyebrow


• Shiro POV •

While the supernatural world was in chaos because of the appearance of such a dense amount of mana, the one who caused it was entering the house.

Halfway through, his system suddenly spoke.

[Hey Shiro, can I ask one thing]

"Of course, no problem, Amanda" I replied

[When you summoned a Servant, you didn't set up a barrier to avoid detection. Is that your plan?]

'Oh damn, I forgot about that,' I said and quickly put up a fence to avoid detection.

'That's it, thanks for reminding Amanda'

[It's okay honey but next time you need to be more careful]

"Yeah, I remember, that's not going to happen again," I told Amanda and got home when I heard screams at the door. I rushed to the source of the scream, when I opened the front door of my room, I saw a cute little girl panicking not knowing where she was.

"Oh my god, I thought I heard something screaming" I said and looked at her and she looked back at me just dumbfounded and blushing when I remembered everything.

"You're awake, do you see anything?" I asked her with concern.

"I-I'm fine, you don't have to worry," she said shyly when she felt his warmth for her.

"I see, what's your name" was asked even though I already knew her name


"Shiro, what a coincidence your name is also Shiro" said with a smile

and so I spent some time talking to her and since we have the same name I decided to use my last name Nikushimi as a nickname for ease of calling.

While chatting happily, Gilgamesh entered the room

"Hey, I'm hungry and who is this girl" said and pointed at *Shiro*

"It's time to eat ah so wait a moment I'll go cook and she's Shiro who will live here with us and from now on call me Nikushimi" I answered Gilgamesh and she nodded.

After lunch, everything was pretty normal, we just watched Tv or talked about many things and at night when going to bed Gilgamesh suddenly said

"Nikushimi, I think we need more help because this place is so big and only three people live"

"Maid, okay I'll get married soon" when I said I thought of a white haired woman in a maid outfit.

"Good night then" Gilgamesh suddenly said making me smile and reply

"Yeah, good night" then entered my room and I slept with Shiro because she didn't want to be alone.

——————The End——————

The author: apologizes for the ending I wrote a bit too hastily, I hope you guys forgive me