The Implock – Chapter 86 – “Feathery Vengeance”

∼ Feathery Vengeance ∼

Chapter - 086

Dreaming of impossible heights, flying across a cloud-packed sky, feeling the cold wind part for his aerial freedom - Nyx shed all worries. His large feathered wings beat at the air, carrying him across previously insurmountable peaks. It was a pleasant dream as he flew into the distance.

Darkness moved in to claim Nyx - for perhaps, another dream? A sudden rough sensation shook Nyx, however. Very unpleasant. He groaned sleepily. Another sensation, this one much more distinct and painful as it... pecked at him? His attempts to bat away the annoyance. the intrusion on Nyx's otherwise deep slumber elicited only more prodding pecks though.

Slowly waking, Nyx came to a strange sight. Hay, sticks, and the odd nicknack here and there. Where... was he? Turning from where he had been laying face-down, hay stuck to his face in a rather unflattering expression of drowsiness, Nyx suddenly yelped. Hovering over him was a massive beak underneath two eagle-like eyes. Wait, no... They were eagle eyes.

Instinctively conjuring forth a [Demonbolt], he hurled it at the massive eagle, making it squawk and jump away just in time. Rushing back in with a waddling step, the damn bird tried to take a bite out of him. But Nyx merely slapped the accursed avian, stunning the huge creature as it definitely hadn't expected so much force from its otherwise unassuming prey.

Ready this time, Nyx threw a ball of [Impfire] at the eagle. Unfortunately, the bird was too fast. Jumping back, it essentially let itself fall off the edge of its nest, effectively avoiding the ball of fire that roared down the side of the mountain. Attempting to cast multiple other spells after the bird, even [Wither], Nyx could only curse as the bird reluctantly backed away as it batted its wings on the wind, squawking at Nyx with what he could almost call genuine animus. Then it left, flying off into the distance with the promise of a feathery vengeance.

Nyx groaned, his wounded body not nearly having been up to snuff to do such strenuous and sudden movements. Looking down at himself, his robes couldn't even be called that. It was just a few strips of cloth that miraculously still clutched onto his body for dear life. Nyx sighed, not having any spare robes to put on as his rucksack had been left back at the Orphan's hideout.

Underneath the tattered robes remained the aftermath of his and Eric's battle. That had been a good fight... Nyx thought contentedly. Despite the current circumstance and consequences, it had entailed. If he had been worried that he'd outpace the human, he had truly thought wrong. Even without those incredibly powerful weapons he wielded, the stinkin' human would've beat Nyx in a straight-up fistfight. It felt oddly good knowing he had a competent rival.

Looking at his health points, it at least appeared that his body hadn't been critically injured and was well on its way to healing naturally. When damaging one of those pesky 'organs' as Aria called them - or something equally as delicate - it often wasn't anything you could heal on your own. At least not at his current level.

That reminded him; there was an avalanche of notifications awaiting his perusal!

[Sixteen LVL: 12-25 - Humans "Classholders" have been slain!]

[You receive 4015 points of experience for the kills]

[Congratulations, your proficiency in Hand-to-Hand Combat has increased!]

[Hand-to-Hand Combat: Moderate → Superior]

[Congratulations, your proficiency in Hand-to-Hand Combat has increased!]

[Hand-to-Hand Combat: Superior → Peak]

Congratulations! You have accrued enough experience to gain three levels!

LVL: 19 → 22

As an Imp (Prideborn) "Lesser Demon", you receive one point in Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and one additional unallocated attribute point per level.

As a Warlock "Apprentice", you receive one point in Intelligence and one additional unallocated attribute point per level.

[You have two unallocated attribute points, spend them before a week, or they will be automatically assigned.]

For reaching level 20 as a Warlock "Apprentice" you have unlocked a new skill!

[Unlocked - Class Skill (Demonic Barrier)]

Nyx blinked.

Was he reading that right?

"[Congratulations, your proficiency in... Hand-to-Hand Combat: Moderate → Peak]"

It wasn't just a trick of his mind. His mastery truly had jumped two whole levels! He now had his first [Peak]-level - mastery, or skill. Nyx knew he had reached some state of epiphany during his fight with Eric, but to see the rewards reaped in front of him, he could scarcely believe it. Even now, not fighting or utilizing his instincts, he felt more in intune with his body and its capabilities than ever. Had Eric been at this level during their fight? Nyx definitely guessed so. At least, he now knew that he had a talent for [Hand-to-Hand Combat], as Aria had been very vehement in her lectures of just how hard it was to further one's skills and masteries. Especially doing so at multiple levels at a time.

But the train didn't stop just there.

Three. Whole. Levels. Nyx was now level twenty-two. Even though he hadn't killed nearly as many humans this time around compared to his slaughter of the bandit camps in Meadesborough, these humans had been far stronger, sporting levels more geared towards twenty-five than ten. Every single one had been a classholder. So many gains, both skill upgrade-wise and raw levels.

Apropos gains - he had gotten an entirely new skill!

[Demonic Barrier]

Category: Class Skill - (Defensive Spell)

Base Cost: 3 - (Mana)

Level - [Inferior]

Rank - Apprentice

Advancement - None


Raining fiery death and corruption from afar, the warlock's minions are not always capable of their duties to keep their masters safe. Erecting a barrier of demonic energy, the warlock can remain unharmed as the magicless futilely attempt to reach you, only to be torn to shreds by your demonic pets and destructive magics.


-Moderate resistance to physical damage-

-Moderate resistance to magical damage-

Reading the skill, however, Nyx's mouth thinned a little. He wasn't sure how he felt about it. It was a shield. Something to hide behind, and the description rubbed off wrong on him. Didn't really seem like something he could bash any stinkin' humans over the head or immolate their bodies with. While Nyx could see its usefulness, he was admittedly quite a bit disappointed his new skill wasn't directly adding to his killing force.

Wanting to at least try it out, Nyx summoned the spell, the runes forming in his mind. Before him, a large curving pane materialized, one of a dark translucent red energy. Nyx thought it to be large, enough to shield his entire body from the front, though that was in relation to his own size of course.

Noting the spell at least not being a continuous drain on his pool, seemingly able to hold it up indefinitely, there was one major drawback. Nyx had to focus on it - and only it, when conjuring the barrier. He couldn't move around with it or perform any other task while it was active. As it currently stood, it was only made to deflect or block any immediate attack. That would most likely change of course, but Nyx was nonetheless disappointed.

Moving on, he shelved any ideas of how he might make [Demonic Barrier] work. Such things were left for tomorrow as he had more exciting things to take stock of. Before opening his status sheet and going over everything, however, he quickly assigned all his unallocated skill points to the one stat he had found sorely lacking during his fight with The Stained Tooth and Eric both.

[Six attribute points have been assigned to Vitality]

It was a whole lot of points to be putting in a single stat, but he unquestionably needed it. With his fighting style blossoming as it is, he was only going to push himself deeper and deeper into the fray. Recalling that rune-forged hatchet nearly taking his arm off with just a single glancing blow, Nyx was only more affirmed in his choice. His fights were ones of reckless chaos and endangerment. Meaning that merely a simple stray hit - could spell death.


Name: "Nyx"

Race: Imp (Prideborn)

Level: 22 - (5%)

Health: 122/140

Stamina: 16/24

Mana - 11/18 (20*)


STR - 30 ⇒ 33

DEX - 13 ⇒ 16

VIT - 8 ⇒ 14

END - 5

INT - 40 ⇒ 46

CHR - 2


Main-Class: Warlock / Rank - Apprentice / Grade - Rare

Sub-Class: None / Rank - None / Grade - None


Demonhide - (Racial), Fire Resistance - (Racial), Mark of Pride - (Demonism)


Bearer of Pride - (Demonism), Slayer of Humans (Slayer)


Demonbolt - [Superior], Drain - [Inferior], Inspect - [Inferior], Impfire - [Moderate], Summon Familiar - [Inferior], Wither - [Inferior]


Demonology - [Superior], Hand-to-Hand Combat - [Peak], Mana Manipulation - [Superior], Riding - [Inferior], Words of Power - [Inferior]

Techniques: None

Bringing his health points from eighty to one-hundred-and-forty, he could feel himself toughen up. Alongside his [Demonhide], his actual durability had gone up more than two-fold. And that was only with a measly six points. Maybe he should consider that attribute some more in the future, though Nyx generally preferred being quick enough to simply not get hurt at all. Compromises, compromises...

Taking a moment to recall the last moments of the battle, Nyx did feel both a little proud and embarrassed with how it had turned out. Using the [Twin Vambraces of Deception] to sneak right in under the noses of the thugs guarding the last wagon had all gone to plan spectacularly. What hadn't, however, was what followed right after. Nyx hadn't expected just how unwieldy and summarily out of control the wagon would become once it began tumbling down the mountain pass. Admittedly though, that was probably something the demon should've foreseen.

Regardless, the mission the Orphans had set out to accomplish had resulted in a resounding success! In Nyx's opinion. 'Cause, just look at all those levels! -Oh yeah, and those three wagons were all sabotaged too. That had also worked out, he supposed...

A great success indeed!

Finally getting around to get a sense of his surroundings, Nyx noted he wasn't quite alone in this oversized nest. Five huge eggs lay grouped in the center of the nest. Now he definitely knew why the bird had been so reluctant to leave even though Nyx would've probably killed the damn thing if he had hit. Smirking to himself, he thought; thinkin' me dinner? Fine. I'll show you who's really dinner.

Now strolling up the mountain to get a better vantage point to see where the fuck he even was; wherever that damn bird had taken him, Nyx struggled a little to carry the large egg under his arm. He was going to make himself an omelet.

Reaching the peak of the mountain wasn't so easy, however, the top became unreasonably steep as it was more so just a collection of rocky cliff-faces now. But, Nyx did find something interesting. A cave, or tunnel, leading upwards. Just where he wanted to go.

Plunging himself into the darkness without much of a thought, he at least could see easily inside. It was rather steep but manageable, and before long, Nyx saw the light at the end. Coming out to a strong wind with a mind-boggling landscape of towering peaks that broke the sky and split clouds, Nyx knew he was far from home.

Not exactly sure where on the unimaginable expanse of the Spine he was because he couldn't see the lands below, he surmised that he was probably quite far up and into the Spine itself. Nyx sighed, resigning himself to a long, and arduous journey. At least, he had dinner.

Nyx padded the large egg lovingly as his stomach grumbled, a smile on his lips. That smile, however, died quickly as a certain screech alerted the displaced demon. In the distance, a blot in the sky was rapidly approaching. Squinting, Nyx's smile entirely dropped. The one blot, become many. And many - became a flock of what Nyx recognized to be; a feathery vengeance…