
The Raiders

For raiders who rode upon manta rays, a substantial stingray such as Tuspehstah was something of great interest. That there were two Children of the Storm travelling with the stingray only managed to make things more interesting.

To say this group of raiders who all consisted of Profound Ones would were a diverse bunch would be untrue. Unlike those in Surface-Dweller's Crypt, they all had the head of the Sheepshead fish and the colouration to match. They even all carried the same spears and no other weapons. Which Tuncathrah was meant to be, Cormac and Melusine had no idea and could only wonder if this was some unwritten rule for raiders in the Deep, that they all look the same.

One of the raiders uttered to his companions: "Take the surface-born mermaid, leave the water-breathing Surface-Dweller to me!"

Immediately, the raider charged forward with his spear raised dramatically. Cormac made no such dramatic poses and instead simply drew his brand, swam towards his attacker and plunged the blade of the brand into the raider's heart.

A scream of death pierced the water and the raiders all cried: "Tuncathrah is dead! Our leader is no more!" After that, the raiders all fled, scattering in different directions never to be seen again.

With this little annoyance dealt with, Tuspehstah rose from the seafloor with Cormac and Melusine quick to join the Substantial Stingray upon her back. The Young Egan had never killed before, even in defense. Having lived on the Surface in Ireland where such things were not so common, why would he have?

The whole thing had also been rather anti-climatic, no great battle between him and Tuncathrah, just him getting lucky enough to stab the raider in the heart and that was it. Cormac doubted he would always be so lucky.

Staring at his brand, Cormac quietly thought to himself, something that worried Melusine. "Cormac?" she asked. "Are you alright?"

"Never expected I would ever kill someone." Was all Cormac quietly answered. "Even in defense. I know it was me or him, but I still never expected to ever kill a person. I know as a child I would play make believe, pretend to be some swashbuckling hero or knight in shining armour, but killing imaginary enemies isn't quite the same as killing a very real enemy."

Feeling Melusine place a hand upon his arm, Cormac looked into her reddish-brown eyes. "What were you doing that required the killing of these imaginary enemies?"

"Quest stuff." Cormac answered, a little less quietly but quietly nonetheless. "Searching for the Holy Grail like Galahad, a homeland like Aeneas… Sometimes to rescue a damsel in distress."

"Or defend one." Commented the Surface-Born Mermaid, a small blush appearing on her countenance. After giving Cormac a kiss on the cheek, she said: "I was so worried about you getting hurt, Cormac."

Blushing as well, Cormac replied: "We just met yesterday, we aren't going to part just yet, Melusine."

Smiling to him, Melusine turned her head downward, looking at the back of Tuspehstah that she and Cormac sat upon. "Tuspehstah says that raiders aren't a brave bunch. Their leader dies and they all fall to pieces."

Giving a small laugh, Cormac commented: "Yes, that's the truth." Sheathing his brand, the Young Egan looked up to the Surface. That was one event from their journey. What was next?