
After trudging for hours, the three heroes finally glimpsed the town up ahead. They came to a halt, seeking shade under a sturdy tree, and engaged in a hushed discussion about who should brave the journey and retrieve the much-needed supplies.

Jasem turned to Adam and spoke with conviction, "You know what we need the most, so you should go while I stay here and guard these two." Adam remained silent, contemplating the situation. He realized it might be wise to bring Jasem along in case something untoward occurred during their mission.  However, a pressing concern lingered in his head as a lack of trust in Dean's ability to hold the fort for more than ten minutes while they were both away.

While lost in their contemplation of what to do, Dean, noticing that the two were preoccupied and inattentive, stealthily began to make his move, inching away cautiously.

Dean gently lowered Luna to the ground, swiftly rising to his feet. Moving with deliberate caution, he paced slowly and silently, ensuring his actions wouldn't catch their attention. Once confident they remained oblivious to his intentions, he quickened his pace into a determined sprint towards the town.

Dean's sprint caught their attention, prompting them to shout in unison, "Stop!" and "Come back here!" Determined to reassure them, Dean glanced back, still running, and hollered, "Don't worry, guys! I'll bring everything we need with me this time...hic." However, Jasem, being swifter, managed to catch up and swiftly seized Dean, preventing him from entering the town.

"Get off of me you gorilla" Dean shouted, attempting to wriggle free from Jasem's grasp. Despite his efforts, Dean found himself unable to break free, realizing that Jasem's imposing size and superior strength made it an insurmountable task.

Jasem's voice grew more intense as he repeated his demand, "Give me the bag of coins." Dean remained resolute, shaking his head in defiance. Leaning in closer, Jasem whispered a chilling warning, "Don't make me reveal it to him now. I'm certain he would kill you if he knew."

Dean, suspecting Jasem was bluffing, continued to resist, attempting to break free from his grip. Just as Jasem began to utter a crucial detail, Dean cut him off abruptly, shouting, "Shut your damn mouth, you bastard!" Sensing the urgency, Dean reluctantly handed over the bag of coins, realizing the gravity of the situation.

Dean's irritation escalated, and he finally snapped, "Here, take the damn bag! Now get off me, you bastard." He handed over the bag to Jasem and started making his way back to where they were before, visibly frustrated.

Dean's frustration simmered as he continued walking, and he couldn't resist a parting shot at Jasem. "One day, Jasem, mark my words. I'll find something on you too, and that will be the day you become my servant." Jasem, wearing a smug expression, followed closely behind Dean, relishing in the exchange.

Adam's voice carried towards the departing pair as he posed his question, "Do any of you need anything other than food and sleeping bags?" Jasem, as he continued walking away, shouted his response, "Make sure to get a lot of meat!" Adam acknowledged with a nod before he turned and headed towards the town. Jasem and Dean retraced their steps, settling back down under the comforting shade of the tree.

"Dean's frustration grew, and he couldn't help but confront Jasem about the secret he held. "How long are you gonna keep that hanging over my head?" he questioned, his tone filled with irritation. Jasem continued his push-ups, a nonchalant expression on his face. "As long as you keep it a secret, I'm gonna use it against you," he replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "And next time close the door behind you if you gonna sniff his mother's panties you perv." Jasem said to Dean who was more than annoyed, as he let out an exasperated click of his tongue. Dean sought solace beside Luna, who blushed when she heard what Jasem said and instinctively shielded her belongings from him, placing her hands protectively between her legs.


Adam walked through the bustling town, his mind focused on the tasks at hand. His first objective was to secure the necessary food and supplies for their journey. Making his way towards the market, he observed the vibrant stalls filled with various goods and produce. With a determined stride, Adam began his search for the items they needed, eager to fulfill his role as the provider for their group.

Adam navigated through the lively market, his eyes scanning the array of stalls selling fresh produce, baked goods, and other essential supplies. With each step, he carefully selected a variety of fruits, vegetables, and bread to ensure a balanced and nourishing diet for their journey. Additionally, he procured bottles of water to keep them hydrated along the way. Aware of the importance of flavor, Adam also sought out condiments such as salt, pepper, and sugar to enhance their meals during their travels. The task of acquiring these provisions was of utmost importance to him, ensuring that they had the sustenance needed for their upcoming adventures.

Having obtained a significant quantity of food to last them for a month, Adam swiftly made his way to the butcher to fulfill Jasem's request for specific cuts of meat. With the meat secured, he then headed towards the tools shop, eager to tackle the next task on his list.

Mindful of their needs, Adam swiftly obtained pots, plates, and other essential kitchenware from the market. Recognizing the importance of nourishing meals and comfortable rest, he also procured bedding materials. With these supplies secured, Adam proceeded to ensure they were well-equipped for their journey ahead.

Adam, his efficiency unmatched, swiftly acquired all the necessary supplies for their journey within a remarkably short time frame. With his checklist still containing unchecked items, he directed his steps towards a nearby bookstore, determined to tackle the next task at hand.

Adam stepped into the dimly lit bookstore, the musty smell of old books filling the air. The store owner, a kind-looking elderly man, peered at him through his spectacles. "Welcome, young man. How may I assist you?" he asked, his voice carrying the wisdom of years spent among the pages.

Adam approached the old man with curiosity in his eyes. "Do you have any books about legendary heroes?" he asked eagerly.

The old man studied Adam for a moment, stroking his white beard in contemplation. "Ah, legendary heroes," he mused. "Wait here."

Adam, awaiting the old man's return, explored the dusty bookstore. Among the worn and torn books, he discovered one titled "The Last Night," which stood out as the most intriguing. Eager to pass the time, he opened the book, instantly captivated by its enchanting story. As he immersed himself in the pages, the world around him faded away, leaving him spellbound by the narrative's allure. The old man's absence became inconsequential as Adam eagerly consumed each word, losing himself in the power of storytelling.

The old man emerged from the depths of the bookstore, a wooden box cradled in his weathered hands. Placing it on the counter, he caught Adam's attention, causing him to close "The Last Night" and approach with curiosity intertwined in his gaze.

"These are the only books I possess, containing tales of the Heroes," the old man muttered, his voice carrying a tinge of intrigue. Adam's eyes lit up as he began sifting through the collection, each book a potential gateway to uncovering the secrets that lay within.

Observing Adam intently, the old man's eyes held a peculiar glimmer, as if he sought something beyond the surface. His inquiry pierced the air, resonating with a mix of suspicion and curiosity.

"Why does the interest in these individuals beckon to you? Is there a personal vendetta against the church that fuels your intrigue?" he questioned, his words laced with a hint of skepticism.

Adam, confused by the old man's pitiful look, questioned his assumption. "Why would you think that? I simply want to learn more about the Heroes."

The old man's smile widened even though sadness was apearent behind those smile of his. He settled back into his seat, and responded to the young man who stood before him. "There's no harm in seeking knowledge. I thought perhaps you had a personal vendetta against the church, but it seems I misunderstood."

The old man's gaze softened, his eyes clouded with a hint of sorrow. Adam started to form an idea about why that kid was acting wierdly toward Dean. So he tried to get more information from this old man.

"Have you lost someone dear to you old man?"

The old man sighed and showed Adam a worn drawing hanging on the wall. It depicted a middle-aged woman with two children, evoking a sense of loss and longing. 

The old man's voice trembled with emotion as he shared his heartbreaking tale. "That girl there is my only daughter, who used to work with me here, along with my two lovely granddaughters. The church, driven by their desire to summon their chosen Hero, took them away from me ten years ago."

Adam listened intently, his heart heavy with empathy for the old man's loss. The depth of his pain and the injustice inflicted upon his family struck a chord within him, igniting a flicker of determination to uncover the truth behind the church's actions.

Adam's heart sank as he gazed at the painting, the truth now crystal clear in his mind. The sorrow he felt for the old man and his family deepened, knowing that the church had used innocent lives as sacrificial pawns to achieve their own goals.

"How much for everything here and this book in my hand?" Adam asked, his voice determined.

The old man wiped his tears and began calculating the worth of the books. After a moment, he replied, "For everything, including the book, a fair price would be 10 Silver coins."

The old man accepted the 10 silver coins from Adam, his weathered hands clutching them tightly. As Adam turned to leave the store, a heavy weight settled upon his heart. He couldn't shake the disbelief that surged through him, grappling with the harsh reality of the church's dark deeds.

Adam quickly paid the old man and rushed out of the store, his mind consumed by the need to share the shocking information with his friends. The weight of the church's dark deeds overshadowed any other concerns, driving him to deliver the truth to his companions without delay. As he sprinted towards his friends waiting outside the city, questions about potential pursuers or the kingdom's involvement faded into the background, his sole focus on sharing the newfound knowledge that would alter their journey forever.

As Adam sprinted away, his breath heavy with exertion, a girl standing in front of a bustling bar turned her attention towards him. A flicker of recognition danced across her face, as if she had encountered him in the past. Her instincts kicked in, urging her to investigate further.

Her gaze shifted towards the wall of the bar, adorned with a collection of posters and notices. Among them, a new addition caught her eye, a wanted poster featuring Adam's face. It had been freshly pasted just the day before, indicating that he was now a person of interest to the kingdom.



*Adam drawn picture*

Adam Jones

Alive only

100 Gold Coins

Bring this man alive to the nearest Rawan Kingdom Guards Outpost to collect your Reward


"Girls!" the girl exclaimed, showing the wanted poster to her companions as she pointed towards Adam who was running. "That's him right there," she declared, her voice filled with certainty. The other two girls glanced at the poster and then back at Adam, unable to see his face as he faced away from them.

"Are you sure that was him?" one of the girls asked, seeking confirmation. The girl with the poster nodded resolutely, knowing deep down that she had identified him correctly. Without wasting another moment, she immediately started running after him, with the others following close behind.

As they sprinted, a wide grin spread across the lead girl's face. "We're gonna be rich!" she exclaimed, raising her sword triumphantly towards the sky. Determined, they continued their pursuit, aware that Adam was already heading towards the three waiting for him under the tree.