Back Again

Back on Ohinia Ysabelon was holding the dead body of Adam tightly as a woman who wore strange cloths stood beside her

"My lady, I need to perform the rituals before his soul disappear"

The woman who was holding a huge staff spoke to Ysabelon who refused to let go of Adam no matter what

"Boss. I can't do anything with her here, she need to be moved"

The woman said to Dadan who was standing beside her which made him click his tongue as he found that task to be annoying to do

Dadan slowly approached Ysabelon who were still crying and leaned toward her slowly before he placed his hand on her shoulder gently

"Young lady, there's only few people in this world who can revive the dead, and Tabitha here is one of the best Soul Watchers in the world, all I need from you is to move aside for a bit so she can do her job"

Ysabelon who heard that looked back at Dadan Slowly before she spoke

"Go aw... Huh!?"