Hidden Agendas!

After leaving the Great Hall Jasem, Dean and Dadan stayed behind after they were told by Adam to stay 

Adam was busy speaking with lord Fadel, while Jasem stood beside Azzam silently looking at his surroundings, and Dean was staring at Dadan as he had a lot of question as he knew almost nothing about the big man

The three who stood fairly far away from each other stood silently doing their own things before Dean's eyes met with Jasem's who took a quick look at him

With that as an invite to get closer Dean started walking toward Jasem before he started speaking with a low voice to his friend while looking at Dadan who was yawning in the middle of the hall

"Can I ask you something?" Dean said to Jasem who nodded silently at his friend

"Do you trust that man?" Dean asked Jasem who was caught off guard by that question, and tilted his head back a little as he answered