
Hello there Loria

How are you doing

I'm doing better since our last email I'm actually doing a lot better. I am learning how to control my temper properly and try to channel it into something else halfway decent like a piece of artwork or a piece of craft or something that's actually gonna be worth my time instead of getting angry and stuff I'm also trying to meditate every day as well. But it's not as a factor inside as well as outside in nature and going in and being with nature and actually being cleansed of everything. So I try to meditate during the times when I'm outside. But today is a rainy day. 

I tried to be calm in that time when I have the argument but then I see I actually decided to take my anger in the shower do use it to help my relationship so I decided to not be angry anymore. Yes the dollar stores in Canada and US and other countries are very wonderful. Hopefully I can go and get some magic the gathering cards next week, and then the week after that some nail polish dad to my collection and I'm trying to grow.  

I like painting my nails but I haven't painted them yet as of late because I'm getting too busy. Hopefully I can go and paint them today.

Hope to hear from you soon
