C226 Power of God


Seeing two of her husbands, Alice, Lily's mother, did not know what to do.

She did not know who the real ones were.

"Alice, let's go," her husband closest to her dragged her inside their house.

However, the other one, husband2, made the horse run faster towards them while yelling.

"Alice, don't let him get Lily."

"Alice, get lily as fast as you could. I'll block him here." husband1 said.

Then, he took out a sword that was sheathed on his back. It was exactly the same sword that husband2 was holding. Except that it is not bloodied.

Thud thud thud thud thud thud thud!

In the next second, Alice climbed upstairs. And the scene that she was expecting arrived.

Husband two reached their front door and immediately tried to open the door. However, husband one had locked it.

But unfortunately for husband1, husband2 has a key.


But before husband2 could open the door with a key, husband1 slashed the door near the keyhole.
