Saying Goodbye

When I arrived at the agency, I already saw everyone preparing for the last mission I would take before taking the dangerous mission I was assigned.

I don't know what I feel at this time. I feel like I'm going to the bridge but full of monsters every time you stepped the bridge the monsters after that they will going to eat you.

I went back to the reality of something I felt like someone was touching me. My eyes dropped and I saw a boy who was only five years old I think.

"What are you doing here, sweetheart?" I went down so he could see me properly. He's cute.

"Mama!" he yells.

"Where?" I turned around to see his mama but they were all busy their own business.

"What do you want, sweetheart?"

"Milk!" pouting he said. I chuckled then I asked my squad to get milk for the little boy in front of me.

While he's drinking the milk, A woman interrupts him, and then she looks at me as if I was a ghost.

"Ahm... He's my son, Agent Moon. I'm sorry to disturb you" she bowed but I stopped her because I felt weird when people bowed at me.

"No! It's okay because he's cute anyways also. Kids are not allowed the agency, right?" I asked her.

While I'm looking at her, I think she's 29 years old or middle of 25 to 30? I don't know but by looking at her she has a son and family.

"Yes, Ma'am but I already told to chief yesterday if he will be allowed my son to our Agency and he said yes, Ma'am"

"Okay, but where are you going to take care of your child? If I think you're part of my last mission, right? Or am I wrong?" I asked her.

"Yes, Ma'am. I'm part of your last mission and my sister will take care of my son when I am out of a mission"

"Okay then. And be careful later. Your son is waiting for you to come home."

I left afterward because I remembered that I have to pass by the chief before we leave for the mission. When I got in front of the chief's office. I knocked first before entering.

"Chief" I call his attention and sit on the couch.

I got his attention on what he was doing. When he looked at me I was shocked. What the fuck?

"Chief!" bewildered I went to his side and repeatedly asked what was going on.

"Chief, why are you crying...?!" I could hardly fight because of his emotions.

I never saw him crying in front of me! Why is he showing his emotions to me? What the hell is happening? I think I'm going insane.

"Neoma..." he called me. I looked at him and looked at him confusedly.

"There are after me." his voice trembled as he said that.

"The mafia organization?" after I said the mafia organization. He looks like his going to the mental hospital and admitted there. He nodded countless.

"Why, chief?" I think I'm the one who's going crazy with the chief hanging on to what he has to say.

"They knew. They knew that I will take down the Moltenore Mafia by using you. Child, you are in danger" then he looks at me as if he pitied me.

"What? Me? That's insane!" I yelled. Yeah, that's insane!

"Because you are in charge of this mission, Child. They will take you and the moment they hold you whether you like it or not they will do everything just to do bad things."

"What do bad things?"

"Killing innocent people, no mercy, reckless, and lastly they will use you against the Moltenore Mafia, Neoma." I was sterilizing for seconds because of the chief.

"Child, you have to be careful. You know that many people die because of these kinds of missions and you were assigned by the one who raised this kind of mission. I don't want to lose you, Neoma."

I was staring at him for a while and looked like an idiot walking out of his office. On the moment my foot stepped of my office I throw my body to the couch and stared at the ceiling. I was staring at the ceiling when someone knocked on my door office.

"Come in" the door opened and David appeared in front of the door.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"Hello?! An hour for now, your last mission will begin and you still look like idiot staring at the ceiling?! Are you thinking about something?" he suddenly asked.

"Oh, I almost forgot about the mission." when I said and ignored his last question as I said that he widened his eyes at me and inhaled in no time.

"Woah! Neoma! Unbelievable!" I just scratched my head and got up to fix it. After I got ready I went to my closet to get weapons but before I got to my closet I first looked at David who was just sitting on the couch while lowering himself.

"Hey Agent D" David looked at me when he heard his nickname.

"Why Agent Moon?" he's face turns into serious mode.

"Will you take care of my chocolates in my office while I'm not here?" seriously asked him a favor.

"Oh God, Neoma! I thought something serious you favored but chocolates?! Are you insane state, Neoma?" he shouted. What?

"It's serious, David" I glared at him until he gave up.

"Fine, I'm taking care of it. Tss." I smiled and walked into my closet. I touch the side of my closet and a monogram appears in front of me. I pin the password and automatically open the back of the closet and a weapon countless in front of me. An like the closet of my bedroom in my house the larger the capacity of my closet there.

"Thank you David" sincerely said to him. He looked at me confusedly.

"Why do you seem to be saying goodbye to that situation?" he asked confusedly. I laughed and tapped his shoulder. I walk out of the office and am ready to take my last mission.