Chapter Two

Your dry lips parted, your mind screamed inside your skull begging you to do something, anything!

At this rate, All Might, and the other heroes wouldn't be able to stand against Shadow Jack and his band of misfits.

"Ah-!" You heard All Might gasp out a blood gargled cry then a large body hitting the ground. You furrowed your brows, desperately straining your ears trying to catch any once of sound, trying to piece together what was happening outside of this damned pod!

You began to shake, you weren't sure if it was the lack of strength you felt in your muscles, or the coldness that as long soaked into your bones. The rim of your eyes glowed five different colors all blending acting as a melting pot.

The pain you felt dissolved away from sight, raw adrenaline filled your veins. You yanked your arms free, biting back the scream as you pulled yourself off the large needles that perched the back of your arms, legs and lower back.

With one final bloodied punch, the glass shattered by your fingertips as a pure bright window looking to freedom stole your breath.

Hot muggy air fanned your body as your feet stumbled on to the cracked ground, you gasped in fresh air into your bruised lungs looking around the catastrophic damage. Your legs groaned, feeling your unwelcomed body weight.

You didn't give yourself another moment before you turned, reaching the second pod you broke the latch pulling it open. Your wide eyes sucked in the image of your friend, who you haven't seen in so long. His dirty blond hair was overgrown, matted in dirt and dried blood.

"Shiro!" You gasped, coughing so violently you bend over gasping for a breath.

"(y-y/n)-" A drained voice chocked out, you watched Shiro's dull green eyes slowly open. "-what-?"

"Come on-" You reached up, breaking his metal restraints.

"What have you done?" Shiro breathed, you didn't respond as you took his wrist and pulled. He cried out in pain, blood dripping from his open wounds soaking his torn clothing.

"We have to get Gray." You were breathless, ready to collapse. Your stomach twisted feeling ill.

"What's going on?"

"We are being used as batteries to bring down the heroes." You took your best guess.

"Where is Shadow Jack?"

"Fighting All Might." You answered as the two of you struggled to open your third friend's pod door.

"Gray!" Shiro called, shaking him as the two of you broke his restraints.

"Ah-!" Gray cried out in pain; his brown hair stuck to his skin with sweat.

"I know man-!" Shiro called out, "-I'm sorry but we got to go!"

"What is happening?" Gray groaned his head spinning like a marry-go-round.

"We will fill you in later but for now get the hell up!" Shiro said, pulling Gray to his feet. "We got to go-"

"What?" You turned, "We can't leave."

"(y/n)-" Shiro turned to you, "-we can't help them."

"We can help them stop Shadow-"

"You and I both know that man is psychotic-" Shiro rationalized, "-we need to take this chance you gave us to get the hell away from him!"

"We will always be looking over our shoulder." You said, your throat felt raw as if you had gargled razor blades.

"(y/n)-" Gray coughed, "-Shiro is right, we can't go up against Shadow Jack, we tried once and look where that got us!"

"I won't leave them." The words slid through your lips before you realized what was happening, you were running towards the battlefield.

"How did you get free!?" One of Shadow Jack's misfits also known as 'Jackers' sneered seeing you. "Get back in your cage, Bait!"

"Bite me." You snapped,

"Oh gladly-!" He laughed, sprinting towards you. Before you could think to even make a move, Shiro came falling from the sky, slicing the Jacker down with his sword infused arm. You watched as his hand returned to its normal human form.

"You can't jump into a battle that isn't yours!" He lectured, "We are in no condition to fight!"

"We can't let anyone else die." You said, "It's this bad because of us!"

"We didn't do anything." Shiro stated, placing a hand on your shoulder. "This battle isn't on us, without us powering up the Jackers the heroes will be able to fight back, now let's go-"

"You go." You shook your head, "I have to make sure that bastard gets behind bars."

"You really think that asshat will stay behind a set of bars!?" Shiro drilled into your head, "You're smarter than this (y/n)!"

"You can go-" You say, "-but don't try to stop me."

"(y/n), this could kill you."

"Then so be it." You said, taking one last look at one of the only people you had in your life before sprinting towards battle.

You licked your chapped lips; All Might was on his knees tied down with some material looking like glowing ropes. Shadow Jack looked triumphant, his back towards you.

His Jackers were closing in on the other heroes.

You used your dry bloody hand to whip a gust of wind forward, knocking Shadow Jack off his feet he flew yards away crashing into the dirt.

"Your-" All Might gasped, recognizing you as one of the captured inside the pods!

"How did you get loose-?" Shadow Jack slowly stood, brushing the dust off his cloak. "-you don't look so good (y/n)." Shadow Jack pointed out how heavy you were panting, the blood dripping down your pant leg creating a small puddle by your feet.

"This ends today Shadow Jack!" You call out, your heart hammering away at your rib cage.

"What does-?" The yellow eyed man grinned, "-me or you?"

"Let's hope it's both." You glared, bending your knees dropping to a defensive position.

"But your one of my favorite-" Shadow Jack smiled cocking his head to the side, "-toys."

"Yeah well-" You huffed out; "-all good things must come to an end."

"Why are you defending these impostures?" Shadow Jack questioned, staring at how you were standing in front of All Might and Eraser Head who were both immobilized, Eraser Head had his eyes covered by a dirty cloth tied around his head.

"They can't be worse than you." You shook your head to the side.

"After all these years-" Shadow Jack sighed, "-after everything I have done for you, this is how you repay me?"

"Yeah-" You nodded; "-my scar tissue thanks you."

"Come-" Shadow Jack offered a handout, "-if you knock this absurdity off now, I promise your punishment won't be as bad as when I drag you off this field and skin you alive myself."

"I'll take my chances!" You yelled, fire igniting in the palms of your hands. All Might's mouth dropped open seeing you use both wind and fire quirks. You quickly whipped the fire ball forward in Shadow Jack's direction.

"Very well then-" He sighed vanishing from sight, you swallowed the lump in your throat. After a beat from your heart, you jumped sideways, nearly missing Shadow Jack's blade.

'He's so fast.' All Might thought. 'I barely keep up with his movements.'

You danced around Shadow Jack, throwing wind and fire; your easiest quirks to control while keeping him away from All Might and Eraser Head. But you were never able to land a direct hit, while he on the other hand was toying with you.

You gasped out in surprise pain, feeling the flesh on your leg being sliced open, hot blood leaked down your leg as it collapsed under your weight.

You glared up at the man who has made your life a living nightmare as he brought his sword up ready to strike you down.

Your hands suddenly flew out, blasting scorching flames directed at his legs.

Shadow Jack grunted at the pain of his legs being roasted, like a marshmallow over a campfire.

"Damnit!" Shiro screamed flying onto the scene, using his quirk to sharpen his arm into a sword, slamming it onto Shadow Jack's shoulder, slicing it clean off.

"Quickly-!" Gray said, pulling the cloth off Eraser Head's eyes. "-he can regenerate!" Eraser Head turned, seeing you setting the villain on fire and another boy attacking with deadly precision.

In an instant, Shadow Jack had purple tentacles burst through his cloak, wrapping around you and Shiro.

"No!" Gray screamed, knowing you two were about to be ripped apart limp by limp. It was Shadow Jack's favored move, like picking petals off a soft fragile flower.

Eraser Head activated his quirk, erasing Shadow Jack's quirk in a swift motion. The villains' faces dropped into confusion as the tentacles began to dissolve away.

"Get All Might." Eraser Head ordered, standing having been freed from his restraints.

"Ri-Right." gray nodded, quickly jumping over to All Might.

You turned, heart pounding wildly in your chest. The Jacker's had all been captured by Woods, thanks to Gray who freed the correct hero when he did. You let out a deep breath seeing the heroes were banged up but still alive.

Your stomach turned feeling sour, your sight ran blurry as the world began to tip over.

"(y/n)!" Your muffled name was the last thing you heard before being engulfed by familiar darkness.