
hey guys its me author just last morning at 8 am i gained consciousness and i was told that because of minor blood loss and Medicines i was unconscious for last one and a half day so yesterday I told that bastard of friend to write that note and upload the next series's cover but that idiot didn't till this morning which means i gained consciousness yesterday not today so now I have to do it by my mobile phone with my own injured hands, don't worry about me i am not that seriously injured it was just a minor blood loss and the plaster because my on leg is badly injured but overall i am ok its just that i wont be able to walk for 2 to 3 weeks and have to take painkillers and other stuff so i am gonna post the next Series's Cover. the original ark for this series was all written in my notes but when i showed it other webnovel creators they thought it was too cheesy yeah you heard write more cheesy than this whole series so i thought this is bad as it gets so i am leaving it here thank you reading this series and much Thanks for all of those Get well soon messages you Guys are the best☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

Into the mcu With Three Gifts of God