A talk

What is that now would be a really good time for an explanation

Andro/Kai cried out

cried out : a utter with a sudden emotional burst

we don't have time the thing is trying to eat me suddenly it freezes

suddenly a boy who was 149 cm was floating in the air he had black hair over his eyes and he was wearing white shirt with sleeves that cover his arms and white pants with a white cassock with golden circle design over his shirt

who are you Andro/Kai asked

the Author of course

yeah right as if I would belive that

how did you guess what I was gonna say Andro/Kai said

omscience of course he replied and call me head librarian it sounds better

OK head Liberian explain everything

well there is more to the world than supernaturals

OK im listening

anyway Andro what did you think what the chairman of the executive board was

don't you have omniscience

well I do but I'd like to hear it from you its like I have all the answers to your questions but you don't have the questions for my answers

OK I thought it was a high government ranking where you can command everyone even the president or prime Minister but now I know it involves supernatural and humans with magic and cultivators

well know you know the head libreranian replied

now you're here explain that monster

im not here and here at the same time because of omnipresence some guy is pickpocketing , someone is robbing a store and 5 guys underground are planning a heist anyway I use my omnipotence to stop omnipresence because it's annoying anyway omnipotence is weird

its like you're in a impossible to escape prison but with a wave of your arm or sleeve in my case you break everyone out it make no sense

Andro/Kai replied im not here to hear your rant

you know I can erase you or turn you into a side charecter or change your personality or I can get you from a parallel universe that obeys me

Andro/Kai immediately got scared and his face turned pale from fear and dark with anger

anyway thats a curse well there are curses are the third faction which are born out of negative emotions and also the supernaturals have thousands of species a new species every 3 days has been discovered for the past 300 years and from 15 years no new species has been discovered and there are a hundred species of aliens and my favorite are mechamorphds that can transform into any machinery

so like the transformers Andro/Kai said

yeah basically but they must understand the machine its like you building a plane without knowing how to and just the outside looks like a plane

I see anyway tell me how to defeat them Andro / Kai said

you can't hurt it with spells or cultivation techniques you have to defeat it through spiritual force like reiatsu mana comes from spiritual energy

everyone has spiritual energy because if you don't you basically don't have a soul the reason you have to use it because they are also spiritual being anyway bye oh by the way I stopped time and the boy waved his sleeves and the curse vanished

author ( adios )