own company building built

Andro is getting into oil production with the help of the create system he managed to create wells that produce 100,000 gallons a day he has 5 of these wells and he created 2


star 🌟 oil refining factories that can refine 1,000,000 gallons a day

and he made 1 rank 5 which can make 2,000 tons of gold every day

and andro is still, working on weapons and a elevator a special one andro had already called a buyer of gold they will meet up in Vietnam he asked for 7 tons of gold bars and andro also created a special yatch to go to Vietnam it had a bar hot tub swimming pool 8 bedrooms 2 helipads gold railings because carrying it by plane is impossible andro doesn't own a cargo plane and he definitely wasn't going to put it on his personal plane or also known as the sky palace and it also gave him the excuse to get a yatch any way the price of the gold would be 100 million dollars of which 20 million would be upfront the rest of 80 million would be transferred into his bank account but there was a problem because it was not registered and the max you carry is 2 tons of gold you see the problem andro can pull some strings but that would be to troublesome so he just decided to make sure the police don't find out about it