Shop and ability shop

after the mission andro relaxed and suddenly a notification came from the system saying shop description ablites knowledge can be bought and when host gets creation medal he can create ablites the diffrence in points and shop is bronze points give you human ablites like never missing a target but it is still possible in the human realm if a person lives long enough he can also never miss a target and speak every language in the world like the language decipher ability if a person lives long enough he can master these ablites while silver points give godly ablites like hands of fate which can alter and manipulate fate while the shop gives ablites that a person can master in 8 years 20 years but are still possible in a 75 to 100 year life span while deciphering language a bronze ability can be masterd in 300 years and martial bronze ability can take 800 years cause styles like kung fu tai chi takewando karate ju jitsu take years of practice and discipline they are not possible to achieve in a human life span while mastering a sword will take 8 to 15 years and the shop also has powers like cheeta speed jaguar jump and knowledge on plants knowledge on animals etc but ablites like cheeta jump will only enhance the host body upgrade is diffrent body upgrade gives a special ability like body manupliation or iron fist

body manupliation tou can manupliate bones and atoms of your body and with iron your fist are hard as iron but with the lion ability your hands won't be hard as iron they'll just enhance your strength but the lion ability can enhance your iron fist ability and make it stronger and lion fist ability can enhance your arm limb to the point were you will be able to lift a titanoboa a tyrex and 2 blue whales on top of each other andro was shocked at this how strong was he didn't know whether to laugh or cry laugh because his ridiculous strength cry cause he didn't have that ridiculous strength how strong was he when he was the red primordial well he had to leave for Vietnam