Chapter 48-Extreame Danger. 

Sam wake from his sleep and looked at the clock. Now it was 5 pm. He should get ready and go to the warrior association.

Sam got out of the bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face with water. He also needs to come back before 8 pm because his sister will come, so he wants to cook something for her.

Sam wore black pants and a black shirt and he also folded his shirt's sleeves. You can say Sam was looking handsome in this black dress. Now he didn't have a thin body. You can say he was now quite muscular. Also, his sky-blue eyes and black hair were a perfect match for this situation.

Sam came out of his house and sit in a taxi that he previously called. While he was in the taxi, he opens his system window to see the progress of his system upgrade. He didn't worry about anyone to find about his system's window, because no one able to notice this system window.

"System upgrading- 20%"

After looking at the progress, he closes his system window. If his guess was correct, then his system still needs one day or two days to upgrade. His system was currently unable, but his inventory function still working. Now he was looking outside of the car's window while listing to the song the driver was playing. Like this, he finally reaches the warrior association.

Sam came here only to find Aria. He just hoped he will find her in the association or he needs to return home without the answer and because he was busy in his training so he didn't even look at his loot and now because his system was currently unavailable he didn't know about the loot. Sam always relied on his system for counting his loot or telling him the details about the loot. You can say he was very at this side and for this, he didn't want to do that manually. He will look at his loot when his system will be available.

He previously took out some of the raw crystone all put them in his low-grade storage ring. He can't just go there and directly ask about the dungeon, for this, he previously prepares this.

Sam also wore his mask before going towards the association. He enters the association and starts searching for Aria. You can say it was his bad luck because he didn't find her after searching. He even went towards the receptionist area and ask about her, but nobody could answer him.

"I think today was my bad day. Sigh," Sam release a deep sigh and dejectedly went towards the sitting area of the association. He will wait some time, then he will go back. While he was sitting in a chair, he also keeps looking at the request board. They filled this request board with many F and E-grade requests.

Sam just looking at the request board casually. He just passing his time looking through these requests.

Unknowingly to Sam while he was busy looking through those requests, some people keep monitoring him. These people all are the shadow guard that Aria's father assigns to protect her from any danger. When Sam was searching for Aria, from then they monitor his every action. They just want to find about Sam's purpose. If they find any suspicious action from Sam, they will kill him. Luckily, some of the shadow guards know him, so one guard immediately informs Aria about a masked boy that was searching for her.

While those shadow guards keep monitoring him, Sam tried to keep his cool and did nothing suspicious. Previously, when he faced the life treating situation in the dungeon, you can say he learned he has a superior sense or something like that. When he was in the dungeon, he just ignores this, but after today's intense training he become sure that his sensory ability has improved. He tried to find the reason behind it but didn't find it, so he guessed that because of the life treating battle, his sense improve.

Now back to the topic, because his sense becomes sharp, his danger perception ability also improved, and now if anyone asks him what was he feeling right then Sam will answer him extreme danger. That right, Sam was feeling extreme danger at the moment. Sam wants to find the reason behind but he knows if he does anything suspicious behavior then he will lose his life. Curiosity wasn't a good thing. You can also lose your life because of it. So, Sam did nothing suspicious and kept observing the request board.

Sam was waiting for the time when he will out of the danger, then he will immediately leave the association. He was trying to act calm. Still, you can see a rough breathing pattern.

Sam doesn't know this, but he was seriously were in an extremely dangerous situation because 9 B-grade warriors kept monitoring him and he really shows any suspicious behavior then they will kill him instantly. These shadow guards will kill you, then ask your dead body for the reason, and because of this, shadow guards differ from any normal bodyguard.

Sometime later, Sam finally didn't feel the danger. He took a deep breath and release it with a sigh. Finally, he avoids the danger; he didn't know what happen, but he didn't have the interest to know the reason. Now, he just wants to leave the association quickly.

Sam got up from his seat and drink some water, then he walk towards the exit of the association showing no suspicious behavior. He was just about to leave the association when he heard someone was calling him. Sam turn back and find that it was Aria who called him and waved her towards him. Now, Sam doesn't know what should he do, should he become happy because he could finally meet Aria or he should worry because he didn't leave the dungeon quickly?

To be continued...

[A/N: Enjoy the chapter, guys, and have a good day.]