Chapter 90 - Dark association

Saw remembered why he felt familiar when he heard Jeni's name. So, she was Jeni Chaffy, her grandmother was an S-grade warrior. He previously saw her in the news. She was the first person to reach the peak of E-grade.

"Who has the courage to attack the granddaughter of Vena Chaffy, the fire queen?" Sam thought.

"I didn't know what happened, but my other teammates who betrayed me weren't like that previously. We went to many dungeons together. They are my most trusted teammates and friends. But yesterday I don't know what happened but suddenly Max and Zen behaved strangely. We didn't know what happened. We also asked them, but Max and Zen also said that they didn't know what happened to them, but they felt pain in their head. Sometimes they scream like that, but a few minutes later, they stop screaming. We thought everything was over. After that, we also fought with a group of Vicious dogs."