Chapter 92 - Killing elephant beetles.

"Sam..... Sam, wake up," Jeni said to Sam while she was trying to wake him up. 

"Don't worry, I am not sleeping. Usually like this, I recover my energy while using my recovery technique." He opened his eyes and told her.

"I think you all are now ready to hunt monsters. Then let's go. I want to increase my points," Sam looked at them and said.

"Hmm, I also agree. Let's go," Jeni also agrees with him. She also doesn't want to fall behind.

All four of them came out of the cave. Sam decided on a direction and all of them went in that direction. Just a few minutes later, they spotted 5 cold crocodiles. Those crocodiles were now drinking water from the river.

Sam, wasting no time, brings out the bow. He also coated the arrows with his spiritual energy and shot them. He shoots three arrows toward the crocodile and successfully kills them.